Monday, December 21, 2009

It Worked For Stephenie Meyer...

If you have heard anything about the Twilight Saga, you probably know that the author, Stephenie Meyer, says that the idea (a whole chapter really) came to her in a dream. She saw Edward and Bella and knew Edward was a vampire, Bella was a human and all the other stuff that makes up the Twilight world. When she woke up she remembered the dream so vividly that it was like it happened. So, she got up, turned on the computer and wrote down the dream. Voila! The Twilight Saga was born!

So, I had this dream last night. It was really vivid and I still remembered all of it when I woke up. Maybe, just maybe, this is the new Twilight Saga! Let me give you guys a little look into what I dream.

OK...unlike Ms. "I Dream of Twilight", I dreamed about myself and not other people. I am quite a character so I think I could work with a literary sense. Some other people I know popped in so they can become characters too! No problem! Also, I was much younger in this dream...probably in my 20s because I wasn't married at the beginning of the dream. OK...scene we go...

Apparently my best friend and I were mail order brides. Not sure how we ended up on this path but we both got "ordered" and that is where the dream starts.

Oddly enough, my best friend ended up with her current husband but he was very different. For one thing, the dream version was a redneck. I mean a four wheel driving, off road, mullet sporting, camo wearing redneck who was spitting tobacco juice everywhere. My best friend was so happy with this guy! She jumped right up in the four wheel drive truck thing he was driving and off they went into the sunset!

I was "ordered" by this guy who seemed nice enough. Then he took me "home". His house was a disaster! The whole place was dirty and the floors were covered in this really ugly indoor/outdoor carpet that was brick red! Even weirder was the fact that the same ugly carpet covered the kitchen counters! Now, my new "husband" was getting us ready to go on our honeymoon which was suppose to be a cruise. I never made it to the cruise part in the dream but I can only guess it was some type of pontoon boat that Cousin Eddie might have owned! The oddest thing of all was that I seemed as happy as my best friend had been when she drove off with Mr. Deliverance! conquered all...even rednecks and dirty houses!

There you go! I think I can just write this love story down and make a fortune! Watch out Ms. Meyer...I'm going to knock you off your sparkly vampire pedestal!

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon Review

Last night...OK, really early this morning...I saw the second installment in The Twilight Saga. Now, on limited sleep, I will attempt to review it for my dedicated blog followers!

New Moon is book two in the series and the movie carries the same name. This is my least favorite book in the four book series. Why? Well, Edward leaves Forks, Washington because he thinks it will be the best thing for Bella...but, I am getting ahead of myself.

New Moon opens with a dream sequence where Bella imagines herself old standing beside a perpetually 17 Edward (rocking a great suit with that trademark messy hair that I find really sexy!). She wakes to her 18th Birthday. Off to school for a lesson on Romeo and Juliet in English class...the death scene. It is foreshadowing that nearly reaches out and slaps you! Anyway, things follow the book closely with presents from her parents and a day that ends with a party at the Cullens. All it takes in the Cullen household to really ruin a good party is for a human to get a paper cut. So, things fall apart when Bella's blood hits the floor. This sets into motion the departure of Edward after his vampire brother Jasper attempts an attack on Bella. (Now, if you thought the guy playing Jasper had really weird/bad hair in Twilight, get ready for one of the crappiest wigs I have seen outside of the Children's Ministry's wig closet at my church! I can only hope they get him a better wig for the next movie.) So, Edward decides it would be best if he left Bella so she could live a normal life...without him.

Enter Jacob. After several months of walking around like the living dead, Bella bounces out of her Edward coma and strikes up a closer friendship with Jacob. She is on the page that says "I like Jake because he is a good friend" and Jacob is on the page that says "I love this girl". Now, that never goes well. During the course of the friendship, Jacob's Indian genetic pattern rears it ugly head and he becomes a werewolf (technically a shape shifter). Bella sure can pick them! From vampire boyfriend to werewolf best friend.

I felt a bit sorry for Jacob because the actor really pulls off his feelings for Bella and she just doesn't have the same feelings back. She only reconnects with him as a friend because she discovers that if she does something dangerous, she will see and hear Edward. (This is a bit different from the book where she just heard him...the movie had to add in Robert Pattinson in a few more places. To that I say...THANK YOU!) She rides motorcycles with Jacob to see Edward. She also learns, through Jacob, of a little sport known as cliff diving. That cliff diving will become important...well, that and the fact that future seeing vampire Alice can't "see" if a werewolf is close.

Remember that Romeo and Juliet lesson in English? Well, it plays out with Bella and Edward. It is the classic deal where one thinks the other dead and wants to die too but the other one is really alive. It just goes a bit different in the vampire world than Shakespeare wrote it! We get to meet the Volturi and the guy playing Aro does a good job. They add in a fight sequence between Edward and Felix that is really good. Vampires can really bust a place up fast! Alice saves the day by showing Aro (he can read thoughts if he touches you) that Bella will become a vampire. Aro gets to "see" a beautiful Edward and Bella running through the forest...both as sparkling vamps. This scene was the cheesiest in the movie and the theater goers actually laughed at it!

All is well that ends well...right? Well, Bella and Edward are back together and Edward now seems to have this deal where he wears suits all the time. That part is GREAT! Did I mention that Robert Pattinson rocks a suit? I actually had a great dream about him last night where...well, you guys don't need to know!

I would give New Moon a B...maybe a B+. It isn't a great movie but, if you like Twilight, it is probably in the must see category! The special effects were MUCH better than the ones they tried in Twilight. The wolf morph, vampire fights and infamous sparkle are all good. You can tell that a different director made this one...and he had more money! The posters for the third movie, Eclipse, were already up. Mark your calendars for June 30, 2010. That is the date that Edward, Bella, Jacob and friends will return to bring the Twilight Saga back to life!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Random Thoughts...

My head hurts. It has been hurting for days. Stupid sinus pressure!

Work of Dante's levels of hell? Discuss...

Ever heard the song "If You Could Read My Mind" by Gordon Lightfoot? He wrote it in 1969 but I really like it..."And if you read between the lines..." Deep stuff Gordy...

FBI Citizen's Academy tonight! Yippee!

New Moon...two weeks and counting....Yippee!

YES...this is all I am writing...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Odd Things...

Did you guys know that if you bite both ends off a Twizzler that you can use it as a straw? I didn't know this but I am having Twizzlers and a Coke (don't ask) for lunch and just discovered this fact! The only problem is that the Twizzler will get too cold if you use it too long as a straw and then it doesn't taste as good. Thought you folks should know...

I ran across a song today that I loved "back in the day" and found I still love it. I must download it ASAP onto my iPod. Remember "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaacs? His voice is smoking hot in that song. I actually found the video on YouTube but it leans too far into the PG-13/R catagory for me to put up. (I all are going to go look now just because I said that!) Anyway, I am so glad I rediscovered "Wicked Game". It is good to enjoy the little things...

Now I am off to finish my lunch by possibly killing off writing...don't call the cops...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Things Crazy People Do...Take Two...

Got that other scene loaded to YouTube! Here is what everything looked like when it was put together with movie magic...

When we were being given our "directions", the guy in this scene could NOT remember what he was suppose to do. The casting lady kept asking him to repeat back to her what he was suppose to do and he never could get it right. In the actually scene, he completed missed part of what he was suppose to do even though the casting lady was right "off camera" yelling at him his "acting directions"! It was really funny...and it made me think of another epic blockbuster and my costars...yes guys, I am talking about you!

I was also in the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular but not much of that was caught on film. Here is what was captured...the first one is me screaming after I was chosen from the audience and the second one is me watching a fellow extras death scene. He went WAY over the top for the death scene! Those of us in the background were just suppose to act upset. Most of the time I was laughing too hard to be upset! After the second video I was in a couple of scenes where I ran around the "marketplace" and cheered on Indy. It was about 100 degrees but it was FUN! Enjoy...

See you at...or in...the movies!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Things Crazy People Do...

Imagine a bunch of people are standing in a line waiting for a Backlot Tour at Disney. Some "Cast Member"...that is what they call employees...comes out with a plea for a volunteer to participate in the show. Everyone tells her no. Then, some crazy lady walks up as she is asking again and says yes! Crazy lady didn't even know what she had just volunteered for...she just thought being part of the show is much more fun than simply watching it!

You guessed it...the crazy lady is me.

Let me set these videos up for you. The first one is me doing "my scene". Movies are filmed out of sequence so my scene was shot first. The movie was suppose to be sorta of Pearl Harbor type thing. I was the mechanic calling from deep within the ship. I was told to pick up the phone and yell a message to the Captain when "action" was yelled at me. I was to continue "talking" to the Captain until they yelled cut and I was to then hang up the phone. The only other things I knew were that I was NOT to look to my left, NOT to stand up and I would probably be getting wet since they had issued me a lovely rain suit and boots! Sounds like fun! Here is what it looked like...

After my scene was filmed, my fellow "actors" did their scene. Once they had their scene shot, Disney married the footage together into the final product. Due to technical problems with the internet access provided at the condo I am currently in, the final scene has yet to be loaded to YouTube. Maybe later...

Hope you enjoy 700 gallons of water being dumped on me! I can assure you that the experience was...well...refreshing!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What If...

What if some of the biggest movies of the last 30 years had been made in the '40s and '50s? What if Charlton Heston had been Indiana Jones or Jimmy Stewart had starred in Forrest Gump? Well, a clever film buff with a wry sense of humor has given us a glimpse. Check out the following "Pre-Make" Trailers.

Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark -

Forrest Gump -

Ghostbusters -

I'm wondering if the guy making these takes suggestions. I would love to see maybe John Wayne in The Dark Knight or Marilyn Monroe in Titanic. Perhaps I shall send him my suggestions!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Magic Of Movies...

Found this in the script from the 1994 Tim Burton/Johnny Depp movie, Ed Wood. It is just too good not to share...especially if you have ever tried to make a "movie"...

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: And cut! Print. We're moving on. That was perfect.

Ed Reynolds: Perfect? Mr. Wood, do you know anything about the art of film production?

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Well, I like to think so.

Ed Reynolds: That cardboard headstone tipped over. This graveyard is obviously phony.

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture.

Ed Reynolds: The big picture?

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Yes.

Ed Reynolds: Then how 'bout when the policemen arrived in daylight, but now it's suddenly night?

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?

I never saw this one. (Sorry know I try to see all of your movies!) So, I looked up the trailer. Ed Wood must have been a really interesting guy...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I've Had The Time Of My Life...

Ask any woman near my age what that title means and she is likely to say something about the movie Dirty Dancing. I LOVED...and still do like...Dirty Dancing. It was released in 1987 and I was 15 years old. I connected with Baby. She wasn't the prettiest of girls and she wasn't the girl that drew boys to her. I totally got that. Baby didn't know who she was on that car ride to Kellerman's resort...but she would find out that summer something about herself. She would also learn how to dance. I SO wanted to learn to dance like that. Don't tell anyone...but I still do! I will also admit here on this blog that I have actually tried and perfected that lift move in a swimming pool! Of course I was about 16...wonder if I could still pull it off?!

Why am I thinking about a movie that is over 20 years old? Well, Patrick Swayze (a.k.a Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing) died recently and clips of his most famous roles have been everywhere. He will always be Johnny Castle to me. Here are a few of my favorite scenes from the movie that made me want to learn to dance...

(WARNING - This movie is PG-13 so expect to see some adult oriented material.)

Teaching Baby to dance...and do the famous lift...

This one contains my favorite line...and some great moves...

The last dance...too bad this version cuts off before they pull off the lift...

Thanks to Patrick Swayze for making me believe that the average girl could snag the hot guy that could also dance! Does that happen in real life? Heck's the movies people!

Just for is one that just makes me laugh. It is from Swayze's only time hosting SNL but it proved to be one of the funniest skits SNL ever produced...

Loving This New Moon Trailer... I haven't written anything on here in a LONG time. Today is really going to be no different!

Here is the newest trailer for New Moon which is due out November 20. Looks good folks!


One of these days I plan on giving you my complete review for Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds. Short was awesome! I highly recommend it!

Friday, August 28, 2009

May I Introduce To You The Mad Hatter...

I will admit, I never have been a fan of the Alice In Wonderland story. Too much fantasy for my taste. Disney made it into a cartoon years ago and I am sure others have put their spin on this tale. Now, just days before my birthday in 2010, Tim Burton will open the box on his unique version of the classic.

Why do I care? Well, let's just say that the Mad Hatter in this one sparks my interest! Yes, he does look completely nuts...I am loving it!

Here is the teaser trailer for what looks like a wild ride into the imagination...

What do you think? Too much Tim Burton? Too much Johnny there such a thing? I think NOT!

Until March 2010...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blah...Blah...Blah...Time Travel...Blah...Blah..Blah...

Went out with the girls last night. (Thanks for another memorable night!) Saw The Time Travelers Wife. This was actually someone else's choice so I went along with low expectations for this one. It failed to live up to the low expectations...

So, this one is about a time traveler (Eric Bana) and the woman he loves and eventually marries (Rachel McAdams). Bana's character, Henry, has been visiting McAdams character, Claire, for many years. He actually first meets her when he is probably about 35 and she is 6. He visits her on and off throughout her childhood. This part comes off as just creepy! Anyway, she writes down everything about her visits with Henry. One day, Claire meets up with Henry in his current timeline (this part gets very confusing and makes me really dislike the notion of time travel...bummer since I am suppose to like it enough to write about it...) and he doesn't know her but she knows him and is completely in love with him. She invites him out to eat and then back to her place. Let's just say that it is a very memorable first date for him since he has never met her (because his older self only has) and she moves the relationship forward really quickly. In the end, he is a guy and he isn't going to pass up this pretty chick throwing herself at him!

As the title suggests, they get married and live a very weird life since Henry can't control his traveling. OK...this is where I have a big problem with the movie. It is stated over and over that Henry can't control when he travels or where he goes. BUT...on two important occasions, he shows up in just the right place at just the right time. The first time is to go back and tell his 6 year old self that everything will be alright after his first traveling experience. The second is to know to show up and marry Claire because the younger version of Henry traveled right before he is expected to walk out during the ceremony. This part really bothered me. Can or can't he control it? Even the movie makers don't seem to know! Another sticking point is that he often talks about how he looks older when he travels (or younger depending on the time). Thing is...other than one time at the wedding...he looks the same every time. They didn't even TRY to make him look different. Every time he said..."I know I look older/younger"...I wanted to yell, heck no you don't Eric Bana...and you can't act either!! OK...confession...I don't care for Bana's acting inability.

In the end, while others around me cried (I could hear crying throughout the theater!), I sat there and hoped Henry was going to die soon and end the movie! I could also hear the bangs and booms of Inglourious Basterds from the theater next door. Now THAT is a movie I want to see! Here are two trailers for that one if you want to take a peek...
Why is it that I go for the guy movies? Who knows...

There you go...The Time Traveler's Wife...I give it a C-.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Giving Team Jacob A Thought...

Entertainment Weekly has up another look at New Moon. I have always FIRMLY been a Team Edward fan. After seeing this, it makes me think more about moving my membership to Team Jacob! (Just kidding, Edward...I will never leave you!)

More New Moon...enjoy...

See you at the theaters on November 20th...unless I can get myself a ticket to the Regal Charity showing. Already working that one with my "business contacts"!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

United Breaks Guitars 2

You have probably seen the video by Dave Carroll about his experience with United Airlines and a broken guitar. If you haven't, here it is... Over 14 million folks have enjoyed this guys payback to United. Heck, I bought the song off of iTunes!

Dave and band, Sons of Maxwell, are back with song 2! Here it is...

They have promised one more song and video. I can't wait.

Monday, August 17, 2009

One More Just For Kicks and Giggles...

Another YouTube thing.

Most communities try to make videos of the pretty stuff in their area and hide the bad things. Here is someone who just told it like it is about Cleveland, OH! Having been to Cleveland on several occasions, I can say they pretty much hit the mark!


So...I've Been Busy...

Been busy on other stuff so this blog has gotten the shaft! This entry will also be a short one. It is just a link to a video on YouTube.

Let me set this one up. The video involves a mayoral candidate from Ohio who is trying to do a press conference in front of a building on some street he deems important or needs changed...who knows. Anway, there is a guy on his front porch that disagrees with this politician. He makes his position known and it is a hoot!

You may not think it is that funny when you watch it. However, just take a cue from the guy on the porch and add this into your daily life. When someone says something you don't like, just do what he does. (This will make sense after you see it.) We have been doing this at work for about two weeks and we find it to be hysterical! Now, we are all a bit nuts so it may only work for the less than sane. You have been warned!

Here you go...enjoy...

Don't like this post?! Boooooo!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Should Have Seen This Coming...

Last week I put up the JK Wedding Entrance video. Well, I should have seen a spoof coming! Here is the "JK Divorce Entrance" video. Funny stuff...


Monday, August 3, 2009

Whoever Wrote The Joys Of Parenting Didn't Have Children...

Today was back to school for my oldest child. So, that should impact his life most...right? NO! What happens is it throws the entire household into "school" mode. I don't like school mode. I like slacker mode to be honest. However, slacker mode will not get you into MIT so off to school mode we go!

What I mean by school mode is the following (and this is only the evening portion!):

6 p.m. Dinner...usually including...I don't like this, he got a smaller/bigger something, my cup is green and I wanted it to be blue.

7 p.m. Bath time with screaming, fighting and me issuing threats.

7:30 p.m. Thirty minutes until bedtime warning to brush teeth and start getting ready or NO story tonight...Mom will not read another Chapter in Treasure Island...I am serious!

7:45 p.m. Fifteen minute warning with harsh threats and talk of spanking or video game destruction (taking the video games away isn't good have to threaten to actually throw them away or blow them up in the backyard!)

8 p.m. Time is up! Get in bed....Get In Bed...GET IN BED NOW....GET IN BED NOW OR I WILL DO SOMEONE HARM (probably myself at this point).

8:15 p.m. Story time where the kids attempt to play while I read with my best Long John Silver voice and alternately yell at them to get back in bed or I will put the book down!

8:30 p.m. I leave the room to sounds of wailing....I want a glass of water...can I sleep with my brother...I forgot to finish my homework (yes, this happened tonight on the first day of school!)

8:45 p.m. I take up drinking. KIDDING...I have been drinking the whole time. No folks...I don't drink but I do consider it on nights like these.

8:45 p.m. Iron clothes for everyone while wondering what people that have no children are doing. Do they get to sleep more? Do they get to drive nicer cars that haven't been thrown up in? Do they do important things like watch the news to stay current on world events?

9 p.m. Make sure that a healthy snack is packed in the backpack and lay out the clothes for tomorrow.

9:15 p.m. is me time. What shall I do with all this free time? Type something I should...nope...write something I the script I a movie while pretending to review the script...sounding better.

Another day in Mommyville draws to a close. People say that I will reflect on these times years from now and wish I had them back. I personally think those people are crazy.


I haven't seen a new movie in a couple of weeks. Well, that isn't entirely true. I did see G-Force but I have deemed it "unblog worthy". Take that Jerry Bruckheimer! Next time you think about making a movie about talking guinea pigs that are black ops agents, think again!

So, here I go with another one of my favorites. I quote this movie a lot but hardly anyone has seen it. It is Elizabethtown. Here is the trailer...

Elizabethtown is the story of Drew Baylor. Drew is played by Orlando Bloom. Drew is a hot shot tennis shoe designer that designs this really odd shoe. His company has high hopes for the shoe but it ends up losing his company almost 1 billion bucks! To say he gets fired is an understatement! Oh...he also gets dumped by his girlfriend over the deal. So, Drew heads home, cleans out his apartment and decides to do himself in. Just before his "death scene", he gets a call from his sister informing him that his dad has died. WOW...can this guy have a worse day? Anyway, his dad was visiting family guessed it...Elizabethtown, KY when he died. Drew gets the job of flying from Oregon to Kentucky to bring his dad home...well, his ashes. we got a suicidal, out of work, girlfriendless guy who now has to go get his dead dad in Kentucky. To Drew's credit, he gets on the plane for a red eye flight (at night folks). As fate would have it, there happens to be this very cheerful flight attendant on Drew's plane. Claire, played by Kristen Dunst, talks to Drew and even draws him a map on how to get from Louisville to Elizabethtown...don't miss 60B! (You will get this if you ever see the movie!) She also gives him her phone number.

From this point, we have the basis of the story. Drew is a "fish out of water" in Kentucky and meets lots of family members during the funeral. Yep...Drew went to get his dad but the family in Kentucky has a whole memorial deal and funeral that they are planning that he gets drug is very funny! Also, in a moment of loneliness, he calls Claire the flight attendant. They end up having an all night conversation where they talk

Why do I like this movie? I am not really sure. I wouldn't put it in the "great" movie category but I find myself watching it over and over. (Well, I can't right now because I loaned it out and may never see it again...what was I thinking?!) One reason I do like the movie is the music. It is like the movie was almost written around the music. I also love many of Claire's musings. Here is one I particularly like from the script...

Drew - You're kind of great, Claire.You do know that. Sort of amazing, even.
Claire - Oh, come on! I don't need an ice cream cone.
Drew - It's not an ice cream cone. What's an ice cream cone?
Claire - You know. "Here's a little something to make you happy. Something sweet that melts
in five minutes." I'm completely cool with anything you want to say or not say. I don't need it.

I use that "ice cream cone" line a lot when I think someone is telling me what they think I want to hear. I think Claire didn't think Drew was being honest when he told her she was great/amazing because she didn't believe it herself. I understand that...

There is also a scene where Claire tells Drew that her boyfriend forgot he was suppose to come see her that weekend. They are in this ballroom where there had been a rehearsal dinner for this couple (Chuck and Cindy) whose wedding has taken over the hotel Drew is staying in while in Elizabethtown. Drew finds the toast that Chuck wrote for Cindy and he delivers these lines (at first, Claire doesn't know he is reading from Chuck's toast)...

Drew - See, I know what you deserve.
Claire - What do I deserve?
Drew - You deserve....
Drew - You deserve....
Drew - You deserve...a guy who says: "l can't imagine a world without you. We will start a winery when we are 70. We will snowboard every December, and one year take our kids. And we will always have the twin red Lexuses...with the license plates reading:'Chuck and Cindy."'

The look on Claire's face when he tells her "I can't imagine a world without you" is wonderful. What a great line...even if poor Drew stole it off Chuck's toast!

My favorite part of the whole thing is Drew's road trip home. Claire, in the all night conversation, made him promise he would take a solitary road trip. Before he leaves Elizabethtown (after a very interesting memorial service that features the song Free Bird), Claire gives him this huge map that is set to music. It tells him places to stop along the way and the CDs to put in at different times. Since his father was cremated, she tells him that the places she sends him are some of the ones that "her Mitch" would be buried (his father's name was Mitch). He follows the map and ends up in crazy places and meaningful ones. One of my favorites is the "survivor tree" at the Oklahoma City bombing site. Claire tells him it is her favorite tree in the whole world...and she really likes trees. The "survivor tree" is the one that was close to "ground zero" of the blast but survived. It stands outside the entrance to the memorial to the victims of the bombing.

In the end, Claire's map sends Drew to a farmer's market with instructions to go here and there at the market. He follows the clues and acquires a note that tells him that he can turn around and the map will take him home...OR...he can change his path and look for a girl in a red hat. you can guess who that girl happens to be!

Great movie? Not sure. Great soundtrack to be sure. It has a really cool website that is still up. Check it out if you like...

Well, there is my take on Elizabethtown. The critics didn't like the movie but I did. Maybe it is a chick movie...maybe it just speaks to me...who knows.

Until the next movie...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Funny As Long As It Didn't Happen To You...

I have a friend who, for the purpose of keeping the victim anonymous, shall be renamed for the story to follow. Let's just call her Emma because I really like that name. It is one of the ones I was saving in case I had a girl. No girl...oh well...

So, "Emma" was telling me recently about something that happened to her while at the mall this week. She has several children and they were out shoe shopping for back to school items. While doing said shoe shopping, Emma ran into an acquaintance and stopped to chat while in a shoe store. As kids do, they started playing while she was talking. Her youngest child was in a stroller but managed to pull an escape act and got do this a lot too! Anyway, this youngest child came over to Emma while she was chatting with the other woman and pulled Emma's skirt down! It ended up pooled around Emma's ankles and, much to her chagrin, her shirt was not very long! The acquaintance offered to hold the cup of coffee that Emma had in her hand so that Emma could pull her skirt back up!

Now, when I heard this story it was told to me over the phone. I thought I would have to sit down I was laughing so hard. Emma had had some time to process the whole thing so she wasn't mad at my laughter...well, I hope not. It was just that I could so picture that scene! Emma said that she didn't think anyone other the acquaintance saw the ordeal. Of course, being the good friend that I am, I pointed out that the store probably had video cameras rolling and she would end up on some funny video show! I know...I am an awesome friend!

Thought you guys might find that as entertaining as I did...although I do feel terribly bad that it happened to Emma. I have made a mental note not to wear anything with an elastic waist when going out with Emma and her little one!!

How Does One Hurt Themselves While Sleeping...

Two times this week I have woken up and, upon moving, I felt this terrible pain in my back. What is up with that? How can I hurt myself while I am asleep?! Now, I fear it is old age coming to haunt my door. This just can't be!

My rheumatologist and I are going to have to have a talk about this one. Speaking of old age...who else out there has a rheumatologist at my age? Whenever I visit this doctor I always walk into the lobby and sign in and sit down just to be stared at by all the 80 year old people in the room. Same thing happened when, at the suggestion of said rheumatologist, I took up water aerobics. The first day I walked in, the other kindly ladies (all at least 30 years my senior) just looked at me weird. Finally, one very nice woman asked me if I was the new instructor! Nope! They got use to me after a while but they never let me in "the club".

Now, I know what my very nice doctor is going to say. Have you been sleeping 8 hours at night? This is where I generally change the subject so I don't have to lie to him. Oh course, he will tell me to avoid be overly stressed (sure...I will just set my mind to that one) and exercise but only something like water aerobics. He freaked out last year when I told him I had taken up running. Of course, I had figured out that wasn't the best plan of action already but he still jumped my case about it. I hate being told that I can't...OK, shouldn' something. Yes...I am stubborn!

So, after I clean the house maybe I will head off to the pool for some exercise. Hope it works out the back issue because I am OVER it this week! Also, I have to pull off some puppet duty at church tomorrow and doing that just isn't easy. If you have ever seen it done then it LOOKS easy but it hurts your arm like crazy. OK...maybe it is just me and my "old lady" deal but it hurts! they say in the movies...the show must go on. will!! I have to say that because sometimes the puppet master...hey, there is a new title for you...reads this and I don't want to incur his wrath tomorrow! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome To Miami...Bienvenido a Miami...

In honor of McGhee Tyson Airport's 22nd nonstop destination...Miami (MIA) is a little Horatio Cane from CSI: Miami for you! Go your best "H" know you want to!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Movie Quote Revenge...

My boss sent me the following links as a joke since my status posts on Facebook are almost always movie quotes that I ask people to guess. I am not interesting so I use the movie quotes as a little game. People love to play! In fact, they love playing so much that I spend a lot of time searching my head for movies to quote! (Don't head is FULL of movies.)

So, here is the "movie quote revenge"! I am nominating these guys for awards in the "bad acting theater" hall of fame! (How can I nominate them? I am a card carrying member of that fine organization!)

Word of caution...since these will link you to, be careful what else you click on. That site is not known for being a PG type of site so PG-13 or R rated language can and usually does end up in a lot of those videos!


THIS Is How You Open A Wedding...

If you guys haven't seen this video yet, it shows a bridal party entering the church in a less than traditional way. What fun these folks must be! If more weddings opened like this, I would attend!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Danger Zone... today I am working and the song "Danger Zone" comes on in the random shuffle on my iPod which is docked in its "docking station" at my desk. Isn't that just a fancy way of saying radio? Anyway, on comes "Danger Zone" and then, outside, I head that distinctive sound of a jet taking off. Not one of those regional jets that carry of those fast movers! So, I was inspired to look back on an old favorite...Top Gun.

Released in 1986, Top Gun is the story of fighter pilots in an elite school that teaches them to "dog fight". Tom Cruise is Maverick. He is well, like his call sign indicates, a maverick...isn't that odd how that worked out?! He and his best friend Goose head off to Top Gun school looking to become the best of the best. They encounter some less than friendly classmates...they are all trying to be the best of the best and boys with multi million dollar toys (aka fighter jets) do not play well together! Along the way, Maverick just happens across this really pretty woman and hits on her. Oops...she shows up the next day as a Top Gun instructor! KellyMcGillis, call sign Charlie, makes life a bit difficult for good old Mav. So...from this point it is pretty much cool fighter jets, hot fighter jet pilots and a love story between Maverick and Charlie. Good stuff! Oh yeah, there is some tragedy along the way (Goose dies and Maverick loses it) but things turn out alright in the end. I don't like to dwell on the bad stuff...

What are some of my favorite parts? How nice of you to ask! Well, no self respecting woman would overlook the volleyball scene. Don't remember it? Here it is... I have a big problem with this scene every time I watch it. Why don't these guys get covered in sand? I magic...but still! Also, poor Goose is the only one looking like a goober with shorts and a t-shirt on. It was almost like they were telling us..."this is the one we are going to kill off because the other ones are too hot"!

This movie also has a GREAT soundtrack (I already mentioned Danger Zone). Who doesn't remember Berlin and "Take My Breath Away"?! That is one great love song for a movie. Hey...remember when they use to make music videos? Well, here is the one Berlin made for "Take My Breath Away" is SO 80s!! Watch if you like... Let's stay with those music is the one for Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone"... This is like an 80s flashback on MTV...well, when MTV still ran music videos! They even did a video for the it is... LOVE that theme song! Reminds me of the time that Thunderbird asked me out three times during one Air Show...wait...TMI...moving on!

In the musical vein, I would be remiss to overlook the famous "flirt" scene with Maverick singing the Righteous Brothers hit, "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" to Charlie...well, before he knows that she is Charlie. Remember that part? If not, here you go...

My favorite scene? Well, I will have to say the one where Maverick is ticked off at one of Charlie's critiques and races off on his motorcycle and Charlie follows wildly in her car (I drive just like that!). Mav pulls over and Charlie delivers this line..."I see some real genius in your flying, Maverick, but I can't say that in there. I was afraid that everyone in the tax trailer would see right through me, and I just don't want anyone to know that I've fallen for you. " Maverick runs his hands up into her hair (I just love that...all you guys could take a lesson from that move) and finally kisses her. Amazing...he ends up with the girl. Like we all didn't see that one coming! Sorry folks...can't find that scene on YouTube but it appears in the Berlin video...I think.

So, what did we all learn from watching Top Gun? Don't hit on someone that might be your boss the next day. Always a good rule of thumb. Also, wearing a flight suit or navy dress uniform jacks up any guys hot points by like 1,000! Also, guys that fly fighter jets seem to be really hot. The one that isn't hot will probably die during the movie...even though he was the funny one! The "maverick" always gets the girl.

Still looking for that cool call sign for is not Gypsy Dragon Lady!! Any other suggestions are welcome. Hope you enjoyed this trip back into the 80s...

Too Funny...

In case you are sick of reading my blog, check out Luke Wood's blog. He is too funny...especially with his "Update" from today about the "donation area"!


Time Travel and Guilt

Ever thought time travel would be cool? Don't think's not! There are all these rules and things to think about. Trust me on this one. I spent several hours last night discussing this very subject in what can almost be described as an episode of "The Big Bang Theory". String theory...yes, string theory was discussed and I have NO idea what that is other than the person said it was like a loaf of bread or something. (Sorry RR...still no clue!) Of course, the loaf of bread discussion made another member of the all "boys only" club (minus me) decide he wanted a sandwich! I was left in the middle wondering what the heck sandwiches or bread had to do with time travel. However, time theory...could be great. In fact, in the event I invent it, I will go back in time to when I agreed to write a certain little radio adventure and stop myself. Now...where did I put that book on string theory...

OK...time travel is out of the way for now, let's get to that guilt part. In addition to string theory, a certain little movie was discussed. Now, last week I suggested (nicely...yes, I was being nice) that we have some schedule so I would know my lines when I showed up. Seemed reasonable to me. I was told that I should know the entire script. WHAT?! Well, that ain't likely to happen. This week the good old movie popped up again in conversation. Then I get hit with...guilt! I had a hand in (OK...I did it...I did all of it...the other one mentioned is innocent) doing two rewrites on the script. I am again the only girl...what is up with that...and I wanted a character that girls/women would like more. That tiny bit of rewrite has made someone feel like they can't write dialogue anymore. GUILT! Sorry RR...never meant to do that to you. a screenwriter (or writer in general), there will always be someone who wants to change something...especially the high maintenance actress! Be glad you only have one actress to worry about! That is probably why I am the only girl....and the reason I will never be asked to act in anything again! Oh well, my film career was fun while it lasted...

So there you go folks...time travel and guilt. Don't you wish your weekend could have been filled with such fun things!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jury Duty...

So, I got a summons for Jury Duty for next week. I don't mind doing my "civic duty" and all that but I was concerned. Why? A number of reasons I shall address below.

They do not allow cell phones of any type in the courtroom. To be more precise, my summons actually says this..."Jurors may not bring drugs, alcohol, cell phones or weapons in the Justice Center." Huh? Cell phones rank right up there with drugs and weapons!! What has happened in the past? Has someone thrown a phone at a judge and taken him/her out?! This seems nuts!

So, according to the summons, my BlackBerry must remain safely locked in the car. This is not good news. That thing might as well be drugs or alcohol since I have a serious CrackBerry addiction. The thoughts of hours on end without being able to check my email or update my Facebook status makes me break out in a cold sweat! What if someone gets my movie quote on Facebook and I can't put another one up for hours?! The world as we know it could end! no BlackBerry. What else is on this list of things I can and can't take? Well, I can take books, hand-held video games, my iPod, non-alcoholic beverages (they keep harping on this one...makes me wonder how many folks have showed up with a fifth of Jack!) and snacks. They make it clear that these items are not provided by the court. Really?! I assumed they would have a little cart with a variety of snacks, books, magazines and other items...Duh! Who is showing up for Jury Duty?

Now I know what I can take. Great. Then the summons goes on to outline what attire is appropriate. Here is what it says..."Jurors must be dressed appropriately while in the Justice Center. Although the judge will determine whether jurors' attire is appropriate, jurors should not wear shorts, short skirts, sagging pants, see-through or suggestive clothing, visible undergarments (including undershirts and tank tops), flip flops, house shoes, bandanas, headbands, hats/caps, or clothing with inappropriate or offensive advertisements or slogans.", I never imagined that I would whip out my leather mini skirt, tube top and stilleto flip flops for this venue, but I guess some people might. AND...who has worn house shoes to court? Someone did or it wouldn't be on this list! In fact, someone has worn all of these things...probably on a regular the courtroom for them to be on this list. Now I am fearful of who might sit next to me!

For the pleasure of serving my country in this manner, I will be rewarded with $10 a day! Heck folks, that will not even pay for 1/16 of the therapy bill I will need after doing this "job'!

Being a type A person, I had read all of this information when I first received the summons and prepared myself mentally for this duty. Today I was able to call and see if I had to report on Monday. Now I rarely catch a "lucky break". In fact, my second novel will be "You too can have my luck"...but the luck discussed will all be bad. my great surprise, when I called they said that I didn't need to report Monday or at all! They thanked me for my willingness to serve and said that I would not be needed!

While I am glad that I will not have to serve, I do sorta wish that I could have seen my fellow jury members so I could have blogged about their fashion choices. I would have also let you all know what happens when someone tries to smuggle in a BlackBerry. Hey, someone has to test the system!

Monday, July 20, 2009

We Came In Peace For All Mankind

Forty years ago today, Neil Armstrong stepped off a ladder and uttered these words, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." (The "a" was lost in the static but that is what he actually said.)

With that one step, the US beat the Russians to the moon. Well, we beat them by putting a man up there...they did beat us by putting a space craft up there first. We still won "the space race"! Take that Russia! (That doesn't work nearly as well now that the Cold War is over!)

I just read today that Nixon's PR guy had a speech ready in the event that NASA could not recover the astronaunts from the moon. The speech was released in 1999 but I had never heard of it. Of course, as a PR person, I can see the need for this "back up plan". If I had been one of the astronauts, I would hope they left out the fact that they had the plan while I was on the moon! Here is the speech...thank God it never had to be read...

"Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace. These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.
These two men are laying down their lives in mankind's most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding. They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown. In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man. In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations. In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood. Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man's search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts. For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind. "

Those that were willing...and still are sit on top of pretty much a complex bomb and go into space amaze me! I love NASA...but I would prefer to work sitting safely at mission control.

At the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, there is a large, black granite wall that reflects in the sun. On that wall are the names of every astronaut that the US has lost during the space program. It is a sobering reminder that some gave all to "reach for the stars".

I think President Ronald Reagan said it best ( was probably his PR guy) when he spoke the following words after we lost the Space Shuttle Challenger in January 1986. He said of the seven member crew (one of which was the first teacher to go...or attempt to go...into space), "...The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honoured us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God'." That last part is actually from a poem and works so very well at the end of Reagan's speech to the nation. To this day, if I hear that speech I cry.

To wrap this one up I will pull out a movie quote. Here are the last words in the voiceover by Tom Hanks in the movie Apollo 13....the Apollo mission that didn't make the moon but was a success in that we got the astronauts home alive..."I sometimes catch myself looking up at the Moon, remembering the changes of fortune in our long voyage, thinking of the thousands of people who worked to bring the three of us home. I look up at the Moon and wonder, when will we be going back, and who will that be?" I too wonder when and who...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Entertainment Weekly Is SO Wrong...

So, I am surfing the web today and I come across Entertainment Weekly's top 25 most romantic movies of the last 25 years. WOW...they really did a terrible job with the list! I only agree with 4...possibly 5...of their movies. The rest are either just weird choices or not romantic at all...who wrote this list?!

Anyway, here is why I liked the 4...maybe 5...that I did...

Titanic - OK...they have this one sitting at number 1. I can see that. Made more $$ than any other movie in history and the love story is a good one. Kate and Leo do a great job with the chemistry and you can totally buy into their romance. Best scene...the drawing. He never touches her and she never touches him but it is a very intimate scene. I think it is the music and the way the camera captures him drawing her. I am no artist, but I think he is using charcoal or something that he smudges with his fingers (heck it could be do I know?) while he draws. It really makes the scene. Bit of trivia for you...Titanic director, James Cameron, is actually the one doing the drawing so it is his hand we see and not Leo's hand. Is this movie romantic...yes. Should it be number 1? Not so sure. Everyone on planet Earth has seen this movie...right?! Just in case there is one of you that hasn't, here is the trailer...

Beauty and the Beast - Only animated movie ever nominated for a Best Pictures Oscar. I love this movie. Here are the opening lines...

"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"

Well, obviously, Belle learns to love a beast or this movie would be terrible! Best scene - the library. The beast wants to give Belle something and he knows she loves books. (I love books too so I think that is why I love this part.) He blindfolds her and takes her into his massive library and then "gives" it to her. Guys could learn a lot from this part...the "guy" takes note of what she loves. Not enough guys make it a point to know the true likes and dislikes of the one they love. Women are not as much of a mystery as men think... Here is the trailer...

Say Anything - Yes, this movie is romantic and it completely defines the 80s with Lloyd holding a boombox above his head while it plays "In Your Eyes". I love that song and I love this movie. Best scene - I will probably have to go with the boombox scene because it is so iconic. Lloyd is just so honest and puts his feelings right out there and that is what makes it great. Here is the trailer...

Dirty Dancing - I wouldn't say this is the best movie by a long shot but I really love it. Who doesn't quote the line "nobody puts Baby in the corner"?!! It is romantic because it is about first love....or just falling in love. Best scene - when Baby shows up at Johnny's cabin and delivers this line..."Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you." I totally, totally get that line...and I bet most women do. In case you didn't see it, here is the trailer...

Here is the one that I am debating on...

The Wedding Singer - Love the movie but is it one of the most romantic ones in the last 25 years? I don't know. If I had to pick a favorite scene, it is the one where he sings to her on the airplane. Here is the song... After watching that again...this one should be on the list!

Well, gotta run to church and attempt to revive a script I have been writing, or trying to write, for far too long.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

We Will Rock You... I have talked (typed...written...whatever) about a current movie. Let's jump back a few years to another movie.

I love movies with action, humor, romance...I just love movies. Of course, those Oscar worthy ones are good, and I love them, but sometimes I just love the fun ones. Ever seen A Knight's Tale? If you haven't, here is the trailer...

Here is a summary for the movie from imdb...

Inspired by "The Canterbury Tales," as well as the story of Ulrich von Lichtenstein, this is the story of William, a young squire with a gift for jousting. After his master dies suddenly, the squire hits the road with his cohorts Roland and Wat. On the journey, they stumble across an unknown writer, Chaucer. William, lacking a proper pedigree, convinces Chaucer to forge genealogy documents that will pass him off as a knight. With his newly-minted history in hand, the young man sets out to prove himself a worthy knight at the country's jousting competition, and finds romance along the way.

A fan wrote the above summary...I will bet that it was a man who wrote it. Why? Because of the small bit at the end..."and finds romance along the way". The story is about him becoming a knight...but that "bit" of romance is far more of the story. Since the fan's summary is, in my opinion, lacking, let me add a "bit".

During one of William's first tournaments he is riding through the village and sees a woman leaving a church. He follows her and asks her name. She refuses to give it to him. He sees her again at the tournament and, if memory serves, she again refuses to give him her name. She finally sends word through her lady in waiting that her name is Jocelyn. The thing I like is that William sets off to make her one of his conquests...but it is Jocelyn who is really making him her conquest. Equally matched partners in a is great.

I love the part where he tells her he will win the tournament (this is a ways into the movie and he has won many tournaments and has a reputation as a champion) for show her his love. She challenges him...if he loves her, then he will lose to prove it! He is none too happy about this and tells her no. BUT...what does he do when he takes to the tournament field? Yep, he stands there and lets lance after lance break off on his shoulder as he loses over and over. His friends are none too happy about his choice since they had made a bet that he would win the tournament! (Here is the losing part... Mid tournament, Jocelyn's lady in waiting comes to William to tell him that if he wants to show her lady that he loves her...he will now win the tournament! As he mounts up for the second half of the tournament, one of his friends looks over at Jocelyn who is watching in the stands. He tells William "there is your love" which William answers, "how I hate her". Does he hate her? No. Does he win the tournament for her? Yes, he does. He gets an added bonus after the the movie and you will see (or just check out the end of the trailer). Does the boy get the girl...or the girl get the boy? Again, watch and see.

During one of my favorite parts, William has made Jocelyn mad and they have not seen each other in a while. He decides to write her a letter with the help of his pals. Here is the letter...

My Dearest Jocelyn,

It is strange to think I haven’t seen you since a month. I have seen the new moon but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises but nothing of your beautiful face. The pieces of my broken heart are so small that they can be passed through an eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower, like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to. I next compete in the city of Paris. I’ll find it empty and in the winter if you are not there.

Hope guides me. It’s what gets me through the day and especially the night. The hope that after you are gone from my sight it will not be the last time I look upon you. With all the love that I posses, I remain yours.

The knight of your heart,

The letter is written in parts with William and each of the friends telling a story of love lost or found and their thoughts. These thoughts make up the letter. I especially love the end..."Hope guides me..". Sappy? Goodness yes! Romantic...yes least to me and it is my blog so there! (I even found the scene...thank goodness for if you like...

This one has action, comedy (Paul Bettany plays William's "announcer" and his introductions are hilarious...take a look... and romance. It also has a hard rock soundtrack. Who would have thought to put the likes of "We Will Rock You" in a movie about medival times? It so works and gives the impression that the knights were the rock stars of the day...which they probably were!

Until the next movie...

I Blame It All On Bale...

Saw Public Enemies and it just didn't measure up. I am blaming it all on Christian Bale because I am not a fan anyway!

The movie, for those who don't know, is the story of John Dillenger and some of his friends in 1933. Johnny Depp is, of course, Dillenger. Christian Bale plays the man out to get Dillenger, Melvin Purvis. Bale plays Purvis like a cardboard cut-out who recites his lines with about as much passion as a lifeless doll. You might say I didn't like his acting!

Depp makes Dillenger into a guy you would have liked to have known. He was loyal to his friends and the woman he falls in love with, Billie. As the movie progresses, Dillenger loses friend after friend and even Billie is arrested. The look on Depp's face when he sees the "G-Men" arrest Billie is totally buy that he loves her and is tortured by the fact that he can't save her. To attempt to get info out of Billie on where Dillenger is hiding, one of the big, mean G-Men slaps her and punches her (even hitting her with a huge phone book). It is really hard to watch him beat on her with her handcuffed to a chair. However, those movie folks really know how to make a fake slap look incredibly real! I was hoping that Dillenger would have a moment with the big, men G-Man before he was gunned down to "discuss" the beating of his girl...he didn't.

Couple of things I liked...the way the movie was shot. Michael Mann did a good job with that part. I wish there had been more action sequences...I assumed there would be...but the rest was good. I also liked the way that Mann framed most of the scenes with Billie and Dillenger. With everyone else, the shots were wide, with Billie and Dillenger the shots were close to give that feeling of intimacy. It really had to work because they didn't get a lot of on screen time together and Mann had to establish this emotional relationship...he got that part right. I also liked how Mann would wash the color out to black and white at if he was slipping right into the past.

Things I didn't like...Bale...obviously! OK...he probably played Purvis like he was suppose to but he was so wooden. Maybe he thought he had to be so that Depp seemed more charasmatic. Who knows what he was thinking. The movie was also slow in parts. I wanted them to move things along but I guess the boring stuff had to be there to link to the more exciting parts...I am giving Mann a bit of a pass here because I still think it could have been much better. Another thing was the lack of a musical score in much of the movie. If you watch the trailer, you feel the emotion just from the music used. The movie had little music and I think it would have benefited greatly from a good muscial score. Also, they shoot a lot of guns but hardly ever hit anything. I would think G-Men and gangsters would have been better shots...just saying...

So, what brings down Dillenger in the end? A Romanian. There is a woman Dillenger knows that is Romanian. Purvis gets to her and gives her the option of helping him find Dillenger or he will have her shipped back to Romania in about 48 hours. The woman doesn't want to give up Dillenger but Romania must have been a much more terrible option. So, she let's Purvis know that they are going to the movies and tells him what she will be wearing as a sign.

I am going to give this one a B...hate to do that to Depp but it just wasn't that good.

This Summer has been a bit of a bust. I had high hopes for many movies and haven't hit "the one" yet. Closest to hitting it big was Star Trek (and no, I am not going to talk about Spock again!). Summer isn't over so maybe there is a really good one waiting in the wings...I can only hope!

Until next time...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Here's Johnny...

No, not Jack Nicholson from the Shining...Depp! I am FINALLY going to see Public Enemies tonight. Depp with guns as a bad boy...why didn't they think of doing this movie before?!

In honor of this, I am going to give you guys a rundown of my other favorite Depp no particular order...

Edward Scissorhands - This was really his breakout role from 21 Jump Street guy to Tim Burton crazy film guy. He is wonderful and pulls off innocence with sweetness. It is also very funny to see this "outcast" dropped into the burbs! Depp's acting is great and you totally buy into the character. That "totally making the audience buy into the character" had just begun with this one...that is why I like this one so much! Here is the trailer...

From Hell - In case you didn't see this one, Depp plays a detective investigating the Jack the Ripper murders in London. He is intense and tortured all at the same time because he himself has a bit of a drug problem along side a talent to see the future. The title comes from how "The Ripper" signed his daunting letters to the police...I guess it was like the guy's address! Anyway, he falls for one of the prostitutes that he is protecting...isn't that always the way of it?! I like this one because I think he shows someone dealing with inner demons in a very subtle way...good acting. Here is the trailer...

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - This remake of the 70s classic was great in my opinion. Depp pulls out the innocence of childhood again and plays a very bizzare Willie Wonka. I loved his costume in this one. I am fairly certain I could pull off that look for Halloween. In fact, the 5 year old daughter of one of my coworkers said, when she saw the movie, that Wonka reminded her of "aunt Beth from the airport" (my title to her) when she wears her sunglasses. It is true! Slap a top hat on me and my big sunglasses and I can pull off Willie Wonka...or at least Depp's version of Wonka! This movie is pure whimsy so who doesn't love it?! Here is the trailer...

Finding Neverland - Depp plays the playwrite James Barrie who is stuggling with his work. Then he meets and falls in love with this family. Yes, I do like a good love story even though not all turn out that way in life. One of the boys is named Peter and he is a sad little boy. The boy's father has died recently and the mother (played by Kate Winslet) is also sick. Depp's character entertains the boys and their mother with crazy stories of all types. One favorite is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up and a pirate. I love when Depp plays the pirate because you can close your eyes and his voice is Captain Jack! As you might imagine, the story of the boy and the pirate becomes Peter Pan. The movie is wonderful and it is some of Depp's best acting. He is great at being subtle...especially in the realm of emotion. This movie is just good in too many ways to pick just one! Here is the trailer...

Sleepy Hollow - Depp steps into the role of Ichabob Crane and becomes the wide-eyed man who gets in over his head. Over his head...get it! OK...moving on! I love all his gadgets in this movie as he plays a detective trying to solve the crimes of the Headless Horseman. I have always loved this story...even the Disney cartoon I loved Johnny bringing it to life so well! Here is the trailer...

Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them) - Here is where I think Johnny Depp brings his best character to life...Captain Jack Sparrow! When I was watching the first movie I really couldn't decide if he was drunk, gay, crazy or all of the above. I also had trouble following his lines because of his crazy accent. BUT...I loved him from the moment he staggered onto the screen! Captain Jack is classic...heck, my boys have a Captain Jack Fathead on their wall. (Yes, it is really for me!) These movies are great because they are pure fantasy adventure with a great character leading the crazy march! Bring on Pirates 4 Mr. Depp!! (I didn't include the trailer because who hasn't seen these movies?! OK...there may be one of you! If you have never seen these...find the trailers on YouTube!)

Don Juan DeMarco - This one is probably not one of Depp's better known roles but it has to be one of my favorites. He plays, well, Don Juan. Problem is he is playing him in present day. He is committed to the nut house where he begins to tell his life story to a shrink who is about to retire. The shrink is played by Marlon Brando. These two are excellent. Depp's Don Juan tells of his great love for women...lots of women....hey, he was the world's greatest lover! (The opening sequence is proof of that one!) The great bit about this movie is that Brando is suppose to "cure" Depp's character but instead gets pulled into his story and ends up reconnecting with his wife who he has neglected for far too long. In the end, Brando says that his last patient was incurable...but contagious! Good stuff from both these great actors....and a smoking hot Johnny Depp! Here is the trailer... If you want the opening sequence just find it on will probably be called the "restaurant scene". I am not quite brazen enough to put up the link for it even though the movie is just PG-13!

So, there are my Johnny Depp favorites. I will let you all know if Public Enemies joins the ranks! Just for the heck of it, here is the trailer for it...

See you at the movies...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It May Look Like North Carolina...

This blog is about movies...right? Well, I try but I sidetrack myself with real life on occasion. Since I have still not seen Public Enemies...sorry Johnny, I keep trying...then I shall blog about a movie, a mission trip and my fear of travel. Yes, I know you can hardly wait.

The title of this blog entry is "It May Look Like North Carolina". If you have seen the movie Cold Mountain then you know that it is the story of a place called Cold Mountain in North Carolina. The storyline revolves around a very proper girl who falls for a mountain man of sorts. The Civil War breaks out and the couple share one is a good kiss...before he marches off to war. The girl's father dies and she is left to attempt to run the farm all alone. Fortunately for her, a woman shows up to help. This woman, Ruby, is a tough as nails country girl who shows the proper city girl the ropes and they develop a friendship. Meanwhile, the mountain man is injured in battle and then decides to go AWOL and return to Cold Mountain to be with the girl. In case you have not seen the movie, I will only tell you that they do see each other at the end of the movie but things do not end on a happily ever after note. Also, because I know more than I should about movies, I will tell you that Renee Zellweger, who plays Ruby, snagged an Oscar...she was great!

So...what does any of this have to do with anything? Well, the Cold Mountain protrayed in the film may look like North Carolina and the rural Appalachians, but is was actually filmed in Romania. Imagine that! Now, this is where I tie this all together...keep reading...

I taught that Sunday School class today and had three people. Not a huge class and they didn't talk much but it went well...I think. During our prayer request time two of the three asked for prayer because they are heading on a mission trip to, you guessed it, Romania. Neither one of these ladies have ever been on an airplane before so they are nervous. I would be too! If my first flight had been half way around the world I would need heavy meds. I really still would...we will get to that part. Anyway, these two began to share with me about what they are going to be doing and one of them in particular really lit up about it. She may be nervous about traveling, but she is excited to have the opportunity to go teach others about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! She also admited to being nervous about working with the translators. I told her it would worry me too but they know what they are doing. (I sure hope I am right about that!)

The team from my church are heading for what apparently looks a lot like North Carolina. (OK...I am not sure they are going where Cold Mountain was shot but Romania is not that big it? I am not sure since I don't really know geography!) I didn't count them, but there are probably 20 to 30 going to fulfill the Great Commission on this mission trip. Based on my discussion with the ladies in the Sunday School class, they will divide into two teams. One of our ministers will lead a team into the rural part where it is mostly gypsys and they do not know English and the other minister will lead a team in the "town" where English is more common. Neither one of these guys knows Romanian but minister #1 has been there before and minister #2 hasn't...but he can probably do the accent...he sure has heard it yelled at him from me often enough that I am sure it is like "countless terrors" to him by now! (For those of you that haven't read all my posts, I am attempting to play a gypsy in a movie at church and my accent comes off kinda Romanian/German/Russian depending on the line I am delivering! To his great misfortune, minister #2 has been on the receiving end of my "acting ability".)

Anyway, these two teams will carry out Vacation Bible Schools for the children of the two areas. All of this to me is nothing short of amazing. For two weeks, these people will give themselves over to whatever the Lord's will is for their lives. What a testament of faith! If you are reading this, please join with me in praying for their safety, boldness, health and peace. Pray also for the Romanians whose lives they will touch!

Remember that part about me needing heavy meds to make a trip half way around the world? Well, it is true. I would love to journey along with these fine folks but I actually have a fear of plane, car, name it. Have I traveled? Yes. I do work for an airport. However, the thoughts of going with a group of people I don't know that well and traveling for something like 24 hours straight scares me to death. I really hate that about myself. One voice in my head says to grab my Passport and join the next team while the other voice screams at me to stop! No...I don't really hear voices in my head...often. Would God take care of me? Yes...I have absolute faith that He would. Would he remove the fear? Maybe...maybe not. So, in the event that voice number one wins out one of these days, and I feel called to go to Romania or somewhere else, I would not want to be the one sitting next to me on those flights!

I can't wait to hear about the wonderful things that God is going to do in and through the Romanian team. I also want to know if Romania looks like North Carolina...

Friday, July 10, 2009


The 80s movie Young Guns ends with this...

"William H. Bonney, also known as 'Billy the Kid' continued to ride, never leaving New Mexico. He was caught in Fort Sumner by Sheriff Pat Garret and killed. Sources report that he was unarmed, and shot in the dark. He was buried with Charley Bowdre at Old Fort Sumner. Advices report that sometime later, an unidentified person snuck into the graveyard and chiseled an inscription. The epitaph read only one word... 'Pals'."

I saw the end of that movie again just the other day and that "Pals" at the end hit a cord with me. of those cords was the fact that they totally blew off this cool ending of Doc's voiceover as Billy rides off into the sunset with the next movie. The next movie has Billy living to be an old man having never been shot by Pat Garret so the "Pals" part is lost. So goes cinema! The good reason it struck a cord was because not everyone has Pals...or friends that they can count on for anything. That is what was being talked about and I loved that part.

In the catagory of friends, I have some good ones and then I have a close handful of absolutely great ones. For that fact I feel blessed above many.

Women have different friendships than men I think. My thought is that men talk to each other but it is about "things"...sports, cars, comic books, movies, etc. When women talk to each other...close women friends...we talk about how emotions impact us. I know right now that I could call up those friends of mine that I am closest to and they would listen as I cried or laughed...and they would cry or laugh with me. These friends also would not pass judgement on me but rather be there...the act of just being there is momumental.

Of late, I have, to borrow an old Southern phrase, talked the ear off of two of my friends. They have listened and listened and listened. They have called or emailed just to check in on me. Bottom line...they have been there (and still are) and I know it. Having that type of friendship is special and I appreciate them more than they will ever know. If you guys are reading know who you are...thanks! I owe you for what shread of sanity I have left.

I saw this quote (not from a movie...I know...imagine that!) about friendship and thought it was a great way to wrap this post up...

"A friend is someone who can see the truth and
pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. "

Monday, July 6, 2009


I have been tasked with teaching a Sunday School class this week. I haven't taught a Sunday School class in like a dozen years and then it was 4 year olds. This time it is College and Career....they might actually be listening! So, equipped with my "special talents" that got me this job...yes, only a few of you will get that....I opened my borrowed book to see what important knowledge I am suppose to impart. It is forgiveness. No least that is what I thought...

So, I am reading this lesson and it lays out how God forgives. You know, I really hadn't sat down to ponder that one in a while. The lesson discusses how we, as humans, decide how WE forgive and then assign that same level of forgiving "power" to God. I can tell you, there was a light went on above my head when I read that. I do exactly that...and have struggled with it for a long time. God's simple concept of love and forgiveness became tangled up in the mess that is my head and I couldn't allow Him to forgive me (of course He had no trouble doing the forgiving...all the mess was on my end) for certain things because it didn't fit into MY "forgiveness plan". Some things were OK to forgive because they were on the "small scale" in my head. Other things had ranked higher (and I am talking about for years here folks) and I had decided that they had to stay locked away because they were just too bad. Sounds silly...doesn't it. Wonder how many Christians are doing the exact same thing. Obviously enough that someone wrote this Sunday School lesson!

The lesson lays out that Adam and Eve sinned so bad that they pretty much ruined everything for all humans and animals to follow. WOW! That's a big one. Did God forgive them? Yes. Did some less than great things happen to them...well, yes. Before they had free reign over paradise and after their sin it was time to work and experience some pain...OK, a lot of pain. God still loved them the same as before because when He forgave them, He forgot about it. That is the sticker, isn't it...forgetting about it. Maybe some of you are not like me and you allow God to forgive you and you move on. Good for you. Frankly, I needed this lesson I am about to teach far more than probably most that I will be teaching it to. Isn't it odd how God worked that one out?

Another thing...while I am on a roll...we, as Christians, seem to have a really easy time handing out judgement to others and a hard time forgiving others. Let me just say that I am overwhelmingly thankful that I serve a God that does not share those traits. May I work to become more like Him...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

That, my friends, is the beginning of the Declaration of Independence. Those that penned and signed that document on July 4, 1776 were committing treason against England. For that treason, they could be hung. They signed it anyway. The language they used no longer resonates with us as it did to them, but the idea is the same....freedom.

On this 233rd Anniversary of the signing of that all-important document in our country's history, reflect for a moment on what America means to you. What does it mean to me? It means freedom of religion, the ability to become anything you want if you want it bad enough, the sacrifice of so many to ensure my freedom and so many other things that lean toward the mundane...American flags waving on porches, kid's eating watermelon on the ground, the smell of fresh cut grass in a suburban neighborhood and families praying over dinner...

Enjoy the day. God has granted us a beautiful one!

Happy 4th of July!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Finally...The Media Offers Good News!

Every year, Regal Cinamas brings a movie to the Pinnacle in a "premier" type event. The stars of the movie attend and it is a fundraiser for The Children's Charity of East Tennessee. So far, some of the movies and stars they have brought include Journey to the Center of the Earth with Brendan Fraser, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby with Will Ferrell, Walking Tall with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Radio with Cuba Gooding, Jr. To my delight, the front page of the Knoxville News Sentinel today announced the latest in the fundraising premier event series. It is going to be...wait for it...New Moon! No...they don't say who is coming but it better not be Kristen Stewart! For those of you who know me, you know who I would like to show up. Yep...Robert Pattinson.

Just thought I would pass this information along in case you have lives and didn't see the paper today. I had pondered a midnight showing of New Moon but now I may have to sell some blood (of course I wouldn't do that...but it works with the Vampire theme) and go to this fundraiser!

Anyone who wants to join me better start saving their money now. I am betting this thing will not be cheap. So, who will go with me?! I already know of one person who I am sure will not miss this event...yes, Ramsey, I am talking to you! :)

Now, if I can just plot to get them to bring Johnny Depp for the next movie premier...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fourth of July Movie Suggestions...

Don't want to hit the megaplex this holiday weekend? Well, I have a couple of movie suggestions that you probably already own or could rent for like .99 cents at Blockbuster. Let's just call this my Top Ten Independence Day Movie List! ( can imagine me throwing the movie titles on cards like Letterman...that is what I am thinking!)

10. Pearl Harbor - I know I am going to catch grief for this one but I like it! Did you folks know that the original title was "The Tennessean"? True story. I like this one because it has some great battle sequences and that scene in the parachute hangar where Evelyn grabs Danny's dog tags and pulls him to her

9. The Patriot - Mel Gibson and Health Ledger are good in this Revolutionary War epic. Also, the bad guy, Jason Isaacs, is one of the best movie bad guys ever. He makes you want to crawl into the movie and rip his heart out.

8. Rocky - I guys are thinking...what?! If you remember, the big fight occurs on the 4th of July. Also, Rocky makes for the best underdog ever and Americans always love pulling for the underdog!

7. National Treasure (1&2) - Not the best pieces of cinema ever but I love Nicholas Cage's turn as Benjamin Gates. He has a love for history and all the historical landmarks that are visited in the movies are worth watching.

6. Forrest Gump - What a great movie! Tom Hanks best work...hands down in my book. We get a look at America from the eyes of someone who sees the world just a little differently. Also, it gives you great recipe ideas for shrimp dishes!

5. The Last of the Mohicans - The Brits, the French, Indian tribes a plenty and a love story...what more could you want? This one takes place during the French and Indian War and follows Hawkeye (adopted son of an Indian) and Cora (proper British girl). The two weave a love story amidst the backdrop of war and it is excellent. The scene in the fort and the waterfall scene are enough to watch this one.

4. A Few Good Men - Jack Nicholson was on screen for just 15 minutes in this movie and won an Oscar! He was that good as Col. Nathan R. Jessup! The cast is great and the storyline intriguing. Will Cruise as Lt. Kaffee get Nicholson as Col. Jessup to own up to the Code Red...yes and it is great acting from both these guys!

3. Apollo 13 - We all know how this one ends but it doesn't matter. I am always on the edge of my seat during that time when they lose contact with the astronauts and they think they have lost them upon reentry! This movie shows America at its very saying that "failure is NOT an option"! Now, I should warn you. I love all things to do with NASA. If ever you guys take my Facebook quiz about me, I will give you a hint...the place I would most like to work is not the airport, not even is NASA! I remember when I was a freshman in high school, my cheerleading coach (yes, I was a cheerleader...imagine that!) asked all the girls what they wanted to be when they grew up. Most said a teacher or a nurse...then she got to me. I said I wanted to be on the ground control team at NASA for the shuttle launches. I wish I had a picture of all their faces. High school was no picnic for me as you might imagine. Why don't I work for NASA? Can't do high level math...end of that story!

2. Top Gun - I feel the need, the need for speed! Bottom can't beat hot guys in fighter jets. I also always wanted to look like Kelly McGillis in that bomber jacket and have a cool call sign...hers was "Charlie". If any of you can come up with a cool call sign for me, just let me know...

1. Independence Day - Is this the best movie on this list? Heavens no! BUT...if you want tons of action centered around July 4, this is the movie for you! Will Smith is good in his breakout movie role as Capt. Steven Hiller. He is funny and you can buy that he is a fighter pilot out to get ET! Yes, it has some cheesy moments but that scene of the White House blowing up is still a classic!

So, there you go. That should be enough to keep you guys busy for a while. Enjoy your holiday weekend. Good night...and God Bless America!