Thursday, August 20, 2009

Giving Team Jacob A Thought...

Entertainment Weekly has up another look at New Moon. I have always FIRMLY been a Team Edward fan. After seeing this, it makes me think more about moving my membership to Team Jacob! (Just kidding, Edward...I will never leave you!)

More New Moon...enjoy...

See you at the theaters on November 20th...unless I can get myself a ticket to the Regal Charity showing. Already working that one with my "business contacts"!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't tell what was going on!
I had wrapped a plastic bag around my laptop to watch it!

BB said...

Gosh..."Phil"...I am sorry you couldn't enjoy the New Moon clip.

Although, based on the way the letters appear, I would say that someone taller than Phil actually typed this. The height of someone actually makes a difference as to how the letters appear. Why am I telling you is commonly known...just Google it...

Anonymous said...

Admit it - it was really the liberal use of exclamation points- wasn't it?
The Anti-Phil

PS- I've read that about the letter thing. Fascinating stuff!