Friday, August 28, 2009

May I Introduce To You The Mad Hatter...

I will admit, I never have been a fan of the Alice In Wonderland story. Too much fantasy for my taste. Disney made it into a cartoon years ago and I am sure others have put their spin on this tale. Now, just days before my birthday in 2010, Tim Burton will open the box on his unique version of the classic.

Why do I care? Well, let's just say that the Mad Hatter in this one sparks my interest! Yes, he does look completely nuts...I am loving it!

Here is the teaser trailer for what looks like a wild ride into the imagination...

What do you think? Too much Tim Burton? Too much Johnny there such a thing? I think NOT!

Until March 2010...


WoodimusPrime said...

On the one-sheet for this movie, Johnny Depp looks like Johnny Depp, playing Elijah Wood, playing the Mad Hatter. Uncanny resemblance.

BB said...

I think it is the eyes that give him the Elijah look. He has that wide eyed thing that Elijah did for LOTR.