Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blah...Blah...Blah...Time Travel...Blah...Blah..Blah...

Went out with the girls last night. (Thanks for another memorable night!) Saw The Time Travelers Wife. This was actually someone else's choice so I went along with low expectations for this one. It failed to live up to the low expectations...

So, this one is about a time traveler (Eric Bana) and the woman he loves and eventually marries (Rachel McAdams). Bana's character, Henry, has been visiting McAdams character, Claire, for many years. He actually first meets her when he is probably about 35 and she is 6. He visits her on and off throughout her childhood. This part comes off as just creepy! Anyway, she writes down everything about her visits with Henry. One day, Claire meets up with Henry in his current timeline (this part gets very confusing and makes me really dislike the notion of time travel...bummer since I am suppose to like it enough to write about it...) and he doesn't know her but she knows him and is completely in love with him. She invites him out to eat and then back to her place. Let's just say that it is a very memorable first date for him since he has never met her (because his older self only has) and she moves the relationship forward really quickly. In the end, he is a guy and he isn't going to pass up this pretty chick throwing herself at him!

As the title suggests, they get married and live a very weird life since Henry can't control his traveling. OK...this is where I have a big problem with the movie. It is stated over and over that Henry can't control when he travels or where he goes. BUT...on two important occasions, he shows up in just the right place at just the right time. The first time is to go back and tell his 6 year old self that everything will be alright after his first traveling experience. The second is to know to show up and marry Claire because the younger version of Henry traveled right before he is expected to walk out during the ceremony. This part really bothered me. Can or can't he control it? Even the movie makers don't seem to know! Another sticking point is that he often talks about how he looks older when he travels (or younger depending on the time). Thing is...other than one time at the wedding...he looks the same every time. They didn't even TRY to make him look different. Every time he said..."I know I look older/younger"...I wanted to yell, heck no you don't Eric Bana...and you can't act either!! OK...confession...I don't care for Bana's acting inability.

In the end, while others around me cried (I could hear crying throughout the theater!), I sat there and hoped Henry was going to die soon and end the movie! I could also hear the bangs and booms of Inglourious Basterds from the theater next door. Now THAT is a movie I want to see! Here are two trailers for that one if you want to take a peek...
Why is it that I go for the guy movies? Who knows...

There you go...The Time Traveler's Wife...I give it a C-.

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