Saturday, August 1, 2009

Funny As Long As It Didn't Happen To You...

I have a friend who, for the purpose of keeping the victim anonymous, shall be renamed for the story to follow. Let's just call her Emma because I really like that name. It is one of the ones I was saving in case I had a girl. No girl...oh well...

So, "Emma" was telling me recently about something that happened to her while at the mall this week. She has several children and they were out shoe shopping for back to school items. While doing said shoe shopping, Emma ran into an acquaintance and stopped to chat while in a shoe store. As kids do, they started playing while she was talking. Her youngest child was in a stroller but managed to pull an escape act and got do this a lot too! Anyway, this youngest child came over to Emma while she was chatting with the other woman and pulled Emma's skirt down! It ended up pooled around Emma's ankles and, much to her chagrin, her shirt was not very long! The acquaintance offered to hold the cup of coffee that Emma had in her hand so that Emma could pull her skirt back up!

Now, when I heard this story it was told to me over the phone. I thought I would have to sit down I was laughing so hard. Emma had had some time to process the whole thing so she wasn't mad at my laughter...well, I hope not. It was just that I could so picture that scene! Emma said that she didn't think anyone other the acquaintance saw the ordeal. Of course, being the good friend that I am, I pointed out that the store probably had video cameras rolling and she would end up on some funny video show! I know...I am an awesome friend!

Thought you guys might find that as entertaining as I did...although I do feel terribly bad that it happened to Emma. I have made a mental note not to wear anything with an elastic waist when going out with Emma and her little one!!

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