Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon Review

Last night...OK, really early this morning...I saw the second installment in The Twilight Saga. Now, on limited sleep, I will attempt to review it for my dedicated blog followers!

New Moon is book two in the series and the movie carries the same name. This is my least favorite book in the four book series. Why? Well, Edward leaves Forks, Washington because he thinks it will be the best thing for Bella...but, I am getting ahead of myself.

New Moon opens with a dream sequence where Bella imagines herself old standing beside a perpetually 17 Edward (rocking a great suit with that trademark messy hair that I find really sexy!). She wakes to her 18th Birthday. Off to school for a lesson on Romeo and Juliet in English class...the death scene. It is foreshadowing that nearly reaches out and slaps you! Anyway, things follow the book closely with presents from her parents and a day that ends with a party at the Cullens. All it takes in the Cullen household to really ruin a good party is for a human to get a paper cut. So, things fall apart when Bella's blood hits the floor. This sets into motion the departure of Edward after his vampire brother Jasper attempts an attack on Bella. (Now, if you thought the guy playing Jasper had really weird/bad hair in Twilight, get ready for one of the crappiest wigs I have seen outside of the Children's Ministry's wig closet at my church! I can only hope they get him a better wig for the next movie.) So, Edward decides it would be best if he left Bella so she could live a normal life...without him.

Enter Jacob. After several months of walking around like the living dead, Bella bounces out of her Edward coma and strikes up a closer friendship with Jacob. She is on the page that says "I like Jake because he is a good friend" and Jacob is on the page that says "I love this girl". Now, that never goes well. During the course of the friendship, Jacob's Indian genetic pattern rears it ugly head and he becomes a werewolf (technically a shape shifter). Bella sure can pick them! From vampire boyfriend to werewolf best friend.

I felt a bit sorry for Jacob because the actor really pulls off his feelings for Bella and she just doesn't have the same feelings back. She only reconnects with him as a friend because she discovers that if she does something dangerous, she will see and hear Edward. (This is a bit different from the book where she just heard him...the movie had to add in Robert Pattinson in a few more places. To that I say...THANK YOU!) She rides motorcycles with Jacob to see Edward. She also learns, through Jacob, of a little sport known as cliff diving. That cliff diving will become important...well, that and the fact that future seeing vampire Alice can't "see" if a werewolf is close.

Remember that Romeo and Juliet lesson in English? Well, it plays out with Bella and Edward. It is the classic deal where one thinks the other dead and wants to die too but the other one is really alive. It just goes a bit different in the vampire world than Shakespeare wrote it! We get to meet the Volturi and the guy playing Aro does a good job. They add in a fight sequence between Edward and Felix that is really good. Vampires can really bust a place up fast! Alice saves the day by showing Aro (he can read thoughts if he touches you) that Bella will become a vampire. Aro gets to "see" a beautiful Edward and Bella running through the forest...both as sparkling vamps. This scene was the cheesiest in the movie and the theater goers actually laughed at it!

All is well that ends well...right? Well, Bella and Edward are back together and Edward now seems to have this deal where he wears suits all the time. That part is GREAT! Did I mention that Robert Pattinson rocks a suit? I actually had a great dream about him last night where...well, you guys don't need to know!

I would give New Moon a B...maybe a B+. It isn't a great movie but, if you like Twilight, it is probably in the must see category! The special effects were MUCH better than the ones they tried in Twilight. The wolf morph, vampire fights and infamous sparkle are all good. You can tell that a different director made this one...and he had more money! The posters for the third movie, Eclipse, were already up. Mark your calendars for June 30, 2010. That is the date that Edward, Bella, Jacob and friends will return to bring the Twilight Saga back to life!


T Rhea said...

Great review Beth! It was worth the wait and was very apparent they had more moola to work with. I would have been very happy if our movie had paused with Rob with his shirt off for at least an hour, but alas the movie went on...

BB said...


I have to say that although I am a HUGE Edward fan, Jacob's abs were more impressive! I prefer Edward a suit!

WoodimusPrime said...

I won't bother you with my thoughts on the movie, they're a little different than yours. However, have you thought about what the fourth movie will be like? Have you ever said some of the things that happen in that book outloud, and thought about how dumb they sound? Keep in mind I LOVE those books.


A vampire baby? A werewolf (shapeshifter) falling in love with said baby? The baby kicking so hard it breaks ribs, and severs Bella's spine? A C-Section given with a vampire's teeth? How are they going to film this stuff? Also, they are probably going to be splitting this into two movies.

BB said...


Luke - I am with you on all the pregnancy and C-Section action that will have to take place in Breaking Dawn. When I read the book I wondered how in the world they would ever pull that off in movie form. I suppose we shall get to see since the movies are bringing in the money big time!