Saturday, September 19, 2009

I've Had The Time Of My Life...

Ask any woman near my age what that title means and she is likely to say something about the movie Dirty Dancing. I LOVED...and still do like...Dirty Dancing. It was released in 1987 and I was 15 years old. I connected with Baby. She wasn't the prettiest of girls and she wasn't the girl that drew boys to her. I totally got that. Baby didn't know who she was on that car ride to Kellerman's resort...but she would find out that summer something about herself. She would also learn how to dance. I SO wanted to learn to dance like that. Don't tell anyone...but I still do! I will also admit here on this blog that I have actually tried and perfected that lift move in a swimming pool! Of course I was about 16...wonder if I could still pull it off?!

Why am I thinking about a movie that is over 20 years old? Well, Patrick Swayze (a.k.a Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing) died recently and clips of his most famous roles have been everywhere. He will always be Johnny Castle to me. Here are a few of my favorite scenes from the movie that made me want to learn to dance...

(WARNING - This movie is PG-13 so expect to see some adult oriented material.)

Teaching Baby to dance...and do the famous lift...

This one contains my favorite line...and some great moves...

The last dance...too bad this version cuts off before they pull off the lift...

Thanks to Patrick Swayze for making me believe that the average girl could snag the hot guy that could also dance! Does that happen in real life? Heck's the movies people!

Just for is one that just makes me laugh. It is from Swayze's only time hosting SNL but it proved to be one of the funniest skits SNL ever produced...

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