Monday, July 27, 2009

Time Travel and Guilt

Ever thought time travel would be cool? Don't think's not! There are all these rules and things to think about. Trust me on this one. I spent several hours last night discussing this very subject in what can almost be described as an episode of "The Big Bang Theory". String theory...yes, string theory was discussed and I have NO idea what that is other than the person said it was like a loaf of bread or something. (Sorry RR...still no clue!) Of course, the loaf of bread discussion made another member of the all "boys only" club (minus me) decide he wanted a sandwich! I was left in the middle wondering what the heck sandwiches or bread had to do with time travel. However, time theory...could be great. In fact, in the event I invent it, I will go back in time to when I agreed to write a certain little radio adventure and stop myself. Now...where did I put that book on string theory...

OK...time travel is out of the way for now, let's get to that guilt part. In addition to string theory, a certain little movie was discussed. Now, last week I suggested (nicely...yes, I was being nice) that we have some schedule so I would know my lines when I showed up. Seemed reasonable to me. I was told that I should know the entire script. WHAT?! Well, that ain't likely to happen. This week the good old movie popped up again in conversation. Then I get hit with...guilt! I had a hand in (OK...I did it...I did all of it...the other one mentioned is innocent) doing two rewrites on the script. I am again the only girl...what is up with that...and I wanted a character that girls/women would like more. That tiny bit of rewrite has made someone feel like they can't write dialogue anymore. GUILT! Sorry RR...never meant to do that to you. a screenwriter (or writer in general), there will always be someone who wants to change something...especially the high maintenance actress! Be glad you only have one actress to worry about! That is probably why I am the only girl....and the reason I will never be asked to act in anything again! Oh well, my film career was fun while it lasted...

So there you go folks...time travel and guilt. Don't you wish your weekend could have been filled with such fun things!


Anonymous said...

Open letter to RR:
Talk to more women and "research" female dialog!
Couldn't hurt- eh?

BB said...

Wise words, j, wise words. Now get back here and deliver them in person! :)