Saturday, July 18, 2009

We Will Rock You... I have talked (typed...written...whatever) about a current movie. Let's jump back a few years to another movie.

I love movies with action, humor, romance...I just love movies. Of course, those Oscar worthy ones are good, and I love them, but sometimes I just love the fun ones. Ever seen A Knight's Tale? If you haven't, here is the trailer...

Here is a summary for the movie from imdb...

Inspired by "The Canterbury Tales," as well as the story of Ulrich von Lichtenstein, this is the story of William, a young squire with a gift for jousting. After his master dies suddenly, the squire hits the road with his cohorts Roland and Wat. On the journey, they stumble across an unknown writer, Chaucer. William, lacking a proper pedigree, convinces Chaucer to forge genealogy documents that will pass him off as a knight. With his newly-minted history in hand, the young man sets out to prove himself a worthy knight at the country's jousting competition, and finds romance along the way.

A fan wrote the above summary...I will bet that it was a man who wrote it. Why? Because of the small bit at the end..."and finds romance along the way". The story is about him becoming a knight...but that "bit" of romance is far more of the story. Since the fan's summary is, in my opinion, lacking, let me add a "bit".

During one of William's first tournaments he is riding through the village and sees a woman leaving a church. He follows her and asks her name. She refuses to give it to him. He sees her again at the tournament and, if memory serves, she again refuses to give him her name. She finally sends word through her lady in waiting that her name is Jocelyn. The thing I like is that William sets off to make her one of his conquests...but it is Jocelyn who is really making him her conquest. Equally matched partners in a is great.

I love the part where he tells her he will win the tournament (this is a ways into the movie and he has won many tournaments and has a reputation as a champion) for show her his love. She challenges him...if he loves her, then he will lose to prove it! He is none too happy about this and tells her no. BUT...what does he do when he takes to the tournament field? Yep, he stands there and lets lance after lance break off on his shoulder as he loses over and over. His friends are none too happy about his choice since they had made a bet that he would win the tournament! (Here is the losing part... Mid tournament, Jocelyn's lady in waiting comes to William to tell him that if he wants to show her lady that he loves her...he will now win the tournament! As he mounts up for the second half of the tournament, one of his friends looks over at Jocelyn who is watching in the stands. He tells William "there is your love" which William answers, "how I hate her". Does he hate her? No. Does he win the tournament for her? Yes, he does. He gets an added bonus after the the movie and you will see (or just check out the end of the trailer). Does the boy get the girl...or the girl get the boy? Again, watch and see.

During one of my favorite parts, William has made Jocelyn mad and they have not seen each other in a while. He decides to write her a letter with the help of his pals. Here is the letter...

My Dearest Jocelyn,

It is strange to think I haven’t seen you since a month. I have seen the new moon but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises but nothing of your beautiful face. The pieces of my broken heart are so small that they can be passed through an eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower, like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to. I next compete in the city of Paris. I’ll find it empty and in the winter if you are not there.

Hope guides me. It’s what gets me through the day and especially the night. The hope that after you are gone from my sight it will not be the last time I look upon you. With all the love that I posses, I remain yours.

The knight of your heart,

The letter is written in parts with William and each of the friends telling a story of love lost or found and their thoughts. These thoughts make up the letter. I especially love the end..."Hope guides me..". Sappy? Goodness yes! Romantic...yes least to me and it is my blog so there! (I even found the scene...thank goodness for if you like...

This one has action, comedy (Paul Bettany plays William's "announcer" and his introductions are hilarious...take a look... and romance. It also has a hard rock soundtrack. Who would have thought to put the likes of "We Will Rock You" in a movie about medival times? It so works and gives the impression that the knights were the rock stars of the day...which they probably were!

Until the next movie...


Becky said...

One of my favorite movies. I can watch it over and over.

BB said...

I love it too...obviously! Heath is great but Bettany as Jeff is hilarious with those introductions...and most of his other lines!