Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Movie Quote Revenge...

My boss sent me the following links as a joke since my status posts on Facebook are almost always movie quotes that I ask people to guess. I am not interesting so I use the movie quotes as a little game. People love to play! In fact, they love playing so much that I spend a lot of time searching my head for movies to quote! (Don't worry...my head is FULL of movies.)

So, here is the "movie quote revenge"! I am nominating these guys for awards in the "bad acting theater" hall of fame! (How can I nominate them? I am a card carrying member of that fine organization!)

Word of caution...since these will link you to funnyordie.com, be careful what else you click on. That site is not known for being a PG type of site so PG-13 or R rated language can and usually does end up in a lot of those videos!





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