Monday, July 27, 2009

Danger Zone... today I am working and the song "Danger Zone" comes on in the random shuffle on my iPod which is docked in its "docking station" at my desk. Isn't that just a fancy way of saying radio? Anyway, on comes "Danger Zone" and then, outside, I head that distinctive sound of a jet taking off. Not one of those regional jets that carry of those fast movers! So, I was inspired to look back on an old favorite...Top Gun.

Released in 1986, Top Gun is the story of fighter pilots in an elite school that teaches them to "dog fight". Tom Cruise is Maverick. He is well, like his call sign indicates, a maverick...isn't that odd how that worked out?! He and his best friend Goose head off to Top Gun school looking to become the best of the best. They encounter some less than friendly classmates...they are all trying to be the best of the best and boys with multi million dollar toys (aka fighter jets) do not play well together! Along the way, Maverick just happens across this really pretty woman and hits on her. Oops...she shows up the next day as a Top Gun instructor! KellyMcGillis, call sign Charlie, makes life a bit difficult for good old Mav. So...from this point it is pretty much cool fighter jets, hot fighter jet pilots and a love story between Maverick and Charlie. Good stuff! Oh yeah, there is some tragedy along the way (Goose dies and Maverick loses it) but things turn out alright in the end. I don't like to dwell on the bad stuff...

What are some of my favorite parts? How nice of you to ask! Well, no self respecting woman would overlook the volleyball scene. Don't remember it? Here it is... I have a big problem with this scene every time I watch it. Why don't these guys get covered in sand? I magic...but still! Also, poor Goose is the only one looking like a goober with shorts and a t-shirt on. It was almost like they were telling us..."this is the one we are going to kill off because the other ones are too hot"!

This movie also has a GREAT soundtrack (I already mentioned Danger Zone). Who doesn't remember Berlin and "Take My Breath Away"?! That is one great love song for a movie. Hey...remember when they use to make music videos? Well, here is the one Berlin made for "Take My Breath Away" is SO 80s!! Watch if you like... Let's stay with those music is the one for Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone"... This is like an 80s flashback on MTV...well, when MTV still ran music videos! They even did a video for the it is... LOVE that theme song! Reminds me of the time that Thunderbird asked me out three times during one Air Show...wait...TMI...moving on!

In the musical vein, I would be remiss to overlook the famous "flirt" scene with Maverick singing the Righteous Brothers hit, "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" to Charlie...well, before he knows that she is Charlie. Remember that part? If not, here you go...

My favorite scene? Well, I will have to say the one where Maverick is ticked off at one of Charlie's critiques and races off on his motorcycle and Charlie follows wildly in her car (I drive just like that!). Mav pulls over and Charlie delivers this line..."I see some real genius in your flying, Maverick, but I can't say that in there. I was afraid that everyone in the tax trailer would see right through me, and I just don't want anyone to know that I've fallen for you. " Maverick runs his hands up into her hair (I just love that...all you guys could take a lesson from that move) and finally kisses her. Amazing...he ends up with the girl. Like we all didn't see that one coming! Sorry folks...can't find that scene on YouTube but it appears in the Berlin video...I think.

So, what did we all learn from watching Top Gun? Don't hit on someone that might be your boss the next day. Always a good rule of thumb. Also, wearing a flight suit or navy dress uniform jacks up any guys hot points by like 1,000! Also, guys that fly fighter jets seem to be really hot. The one that isn't hot will probably die during the movie...even though he was the funny one! The "maverick" always gets the girl.

Still looking for that cool call sign for is not Gypsy Dragon Lady!! Any other suggestions are welcome. Hope you enjoyed this trip back into the 80s...

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