Friday, July 17, 2009

Here's Johnny...

No, not Jack Nicholson from the Shining...Depp! I am FINALLY going to see Public Enemies tonight. Depp with guns as a bad boy...why didn't they think of doing this movie before?!

In honor of this, I am going to give you guys a rundown of my other favorite Depp no particular order...

Edward Scissorhands - This was really his breakout role from 21 Jump Street guy to Tim Burton crazy film guy. He is wonderful and pulls off innocence with sweetness. It is also very funny to see this "outcast" dropped into the burbs! Depp's acting is great and you totally buy into the character. That "totally making the audience buy into the character" had just begun with this one...that is why I like this one so much! Here is the trailer...

From Hell - In case you didn't see this one, Depp plays a detective investigating the Jack the Ripper murders in London. He is intense and tortured all at the same time because he himself has a bit of a drug problem along side a talent to see the future. The title comes from how "The Ripper" signed his daunting letters to the police...I guess it was like the guy's address! Anyway, he falls for one of the prostitutes that he is protecting...isn't that always the way of it?! I like this one because I think he shows someone dealing with inner demons in a very subtle way...good acting. Here is the trailer...

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - This remake of the 70s classic was great in my opinion. Depp pulls out the innocence of childhood again and plays a very bizzare Willie Wonka. I loved his costume in this one. I am fairly certain I could pull off that look for Halloween. In fact, the 5 year old daughter of one of my coworkers said, when she saw the movie, that Wonka reminded her of "aunt Beth from the airport" (my title to her) when she wears her sunglasses. It is true! Slap a top hat on me and my big sunglasses and I can pull off Willie Wonka...or at least Depp's version of Wonka! This movie is pure whimsy so who doesn't love it?! Here is the trailer...

Finding Neverland - Depp plays the playwrite James Barrie who is stuggling with his work. Then he meets and falls in love with this family. Yes, I do like a good love story even though not all turn out that way in life. One of the boys is named Peter and he is a sad little boy. The boy's father has died recently and the mother (played by Kate Winslet) is also sick. Depp's character entertains the boys and their mother with crazy stories of all types. One favorite is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up and a pirate. I love when Depp plays the pirate because you can close your eyes and his voice is Captain Jack! As you might imagine, the story of the boy and the pirate becomes Peter Pan. The movie is wonderful and it is some of Depp's best acting. He is great at being subtle...especially in the realm of emotion. This movie is just good in too many ways to pick just one! Here is the trailer...

Sleepy Hollow - Depp steps into the role of Ichabob Crane and becomes the wide-eyed man who gets in over his head. Over his head...get it! OK...moving on! I love all his gadgets in this movie as he plays a detective trying to solve the crimes of the Headless Horseman. I have always loved this story...even the Disney cartoon I loved Johnny bringing it to life so well! Here is the trailer...

Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them) - Here is where I think Johnny Depp brings his best character to life...Captain Jack Sparrow! When I was watching the first movie I really couldn't decide if he was drunk, gay, crazy or all of the above. I also had trouble following his lines because of his crazy accent. BUT...I loved him from the moment he staggered onto the screen! Captain Jack is classic...heck, my boys have a Captain Jack Fathead on their wall. (Yes, it is really for me!) These movies are great because they are pure fantasy adventure with a great character leading the crazy march! Bring on Pirates 4 Mr. Depp!! (I didn't include the trailer because who hasn't seen these movies?! OK...there may be one of you! If you have never seen these...find the trailers on YouTube!)

Don Juan DeMarco - This one is probably not one of Depp's better known roles but it has to be one of my favorites. He plays, well, Don Juan. Problem is he is playing him in present day. He is committed to the nut house where he begins to tell his life story to a shrink who is about to retire. The shrink is played by Marlon Brando. These two are excellent. Depp's Don Juan tells of his great love for women...lots of women....hey, he was the world's greatest lover! (The opening sequence is proof of that one!) The great bit about this movie is that Brando is suppose to "cure" Depp's character but instead gets pulled into his story and ends up reconnecting with his wife who he has neglected for far too long. In the end, Brando says that his last patient was incurable...but contagious! Good stuff from both these great actors....and a smoking hot Johnny Depp! Here is the trailer... If you want the opening sequence just find it on will probably be called the "restaurant scene". I am not quite brazen enough to put up the link for it even though the movie is just PG-13!

So, there are my Johnny Depp favorites. I will let you all know if Public Enemies joins the ranks! Just for the heck of it, here is the trailer for it...

See you at the movies...

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