Monday, August 17, 2009

So...I've Been Busy...

Been busy on other stuff so this blog has gotten the shaft! This entry will also be a short one. It is just a link to a video on YouTube.

Let me set this one up. The video involves a mayoral candidate from Ohio who is trying to do a press conference in front of a building on some street he deems important or needs changed...who knows. Anway, there is a guy on his front porch that disagrees with this politician. He makes his position known and it is a hoot!

You may not think it is that funny when you watch it. However, just take a cue from the guy on the porch and add this into your daily life. When someone says something you don't like, just do what he does. (This will make sense after you see it.) We have been doing this at work for about two weeks and we find it to be hysterical! Now, we are all a bit nuts so it may only work for the less than sane. You have been warned!

Here you go...enjoy...

Don't like this post?! Boooooo!


ruggerknox said...

My favorites of the video: The face on the Ben followers; they look like it is the saddest event that has ever happened to them. Two - porch dude has been using the same tactics since 2nd grade; worked then - works now. Even funnier is when Ben tries to reason with the perennial college dropout. Don’t lower yourself to his level Ben...

BB said...

I just don't understand why they didn't move to a new location earlier in the interview! Can we say PR nightmare?!