Saturday, August 1, 2009

How Does One Hurt Themselves While Sleeping...

Two times this week I have woken up and, upon moving, I felt this terrible pain in my back. What is up with that? How can I hurt myself while I am asleep?! Now, I fear it is old age coming to haunt my door. This just can't be!

My rheumatologist and I are going to have to have a talk about this one. Speaking of old age...who else out there has a rheumatologist at my age? Whenever I visit this doctor I always walk into the lobby and sign in and sit down just to be stared at by all the 80 year old people in the room. Same thing happened when, at the suggestion of said rheumatologist, I took up water aerobics. The first day I walked in, the other kindly ladies (all at least 30 years my senior) just looked at me weird. Finally, one very nice woman asked me if I was the new instructor! Nope! They got use to me after a while but they never let me in "the club".

Now, I know what my very nice doctor is going to say. Have you been sleeping 8 hours at night? This is where I generally change the subject so I don't have to lie to him. Oh course, he will tell me to avoid be overly stressed (sure...I will just set my mind to that one) and exercise but only something like water aerobics. He freaked out last year when I told him I had taken up running. Of course, I had figured out that wasn't the best plan of action already but he still jumped my case about it. I hate being told that I can't...OK, shouldn' something. Yes...I am stubborn!

So, after I clean the house maybe I will head off to the pool for some exercise. Hope it works out the back issue because I am OVER it this week! Also, I have to pull off some puppet duty at church tomorrow and doing that just isn't easy. If you have ever seen it done then it LOOKS easy but it hurts your arm like crazy. OK...maybe it is just me and my "old lady" deal but it hurts! they say in the movies...the show must go on. will!! I have to say that because sometimes the puppet master...hey, there is a new title for you...reads this and I don't want to incur his wrath tomorrow! :)


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world!
I hate that you are experiencing it in your -Ahem-late 20s.
My Reumo-Dr told me to take at least 2 thousand mgs of flax seed oil tablets. I don't know if that did it but my aches have decreased a bit since starting.

WoodimusPrime said...

As an old-school Can Do Club veteran, I can vouch for your puppet pain. It killed my shoulder to do that stuff!

BB said...

@Gepetto - Thanks for the "ahem...late 20s"! :)

@ Luke - Glad to know that I am not the only one that has "suffered" with the puppets! Now I don't feel so old...well, I am only in my...ahem...late 20s!