Friday, July 10, 2009


The 80s movie Young Guns ends with this...

"William H. Bonney, also known as 'Billy the Kid' continued to ride, never leaving New Mexico. He was caught in Fort Sumner by Sheriff Pat Garret and killed. Sources report that he was unarmed, and shot in the dark. He was buried with Charley Bowdre at Old Fort Sumner. Advices report that sometime later, an unidentified person snuck into the graveyard and chiseled an inscription. The epitaph read only one word... 'Pals'."

I saw the end of that movie again just the other day and that "Pals" at the end hit a cord with me. of those cords was the fact that they totally blew off this cool ending of Doc's voiceover as Billy rides off into the sunset with the next movie. The next movie has Billy living to be an old man having never been shot by Pat Garret so the "Pals" part is lost. So goes cinema! The good reason it struck a cord was because not everyone has Pals...or friends that they can count on for anything. That is what was being talked about and I loved that part.

In the catagory of friends, I have some good ones and then I have a close handful of absolutely great ones. For that fact I feel blessed above many.

Women have different friendships than men I think. My thought is that men talk to each other but it is about "things"...sports, cars, comic books, movies, etc. When women talk to each other...close women friends...we talk about how emotions impact us. I know right now that I could call up those friends of mine that I am closest to and they would listen as I cried or laughed...and they would cry or laugh with me. These friends also would not pass judgement on me but rather be there...the act of just being there is momumental.

Of late, I have, to borrow an old Southern phrase, talked the ear off of two of my friends. They have listened and listened and listened. They have called or emailed just to check in on me. Bottom line...they have been there (and still are) and I know it. Having that type of friendship is special and I appreciate them more than they will ever know. If you guys are reading know who you are...thanks! I owe you for what shread of sanity I have left.

I saw this quote (not from a movie...I know...imagine that!) about friendship and thought it was a great way to wrap this post up...

"A friend is someone who can see the truth and
pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. "

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