Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life As Seen At Age 8...

I happen to be off today and hanging out with Walker, Texas Ranger (TR) and my niece which shall be referred to as the Tasmanian Devil (TD) due to the fact that she has almost limitless energy.

What is it like having three kids in the house? Well, it is like trying to herd cats that are mad. They all are going in different directions with the intent to do great harm to at times. I hope this isn't my last post but one of them has spotted me and is looking at me like they can take me out and then rule like on Lord of the Flies.

While sorting through some of Walker's school stuff (yes, I know he got out in May and I should have sorted through it before now...back off...I am on the edge here people!) I found a journal that he had to write in for school. Some of the entries are priceless. I thought I would share a couple. Spelling has been left as he wrote it so you may have to "sound out" some of this but that is part of the charm!

What I would like to be when I grow up (I made up this title since it seems this is what he was asked to write about.)
"I would like to be a principal cause I would be in charg of the scool. Would that be fun. I would let the kids take off from scool for three years that would be fun. And no homework that would be awsom. And no teachers. And there would be partys everyday and peiza every daytime and chees stiks. Yumy. I would get to sit in the ofice all day long. I would get to talk on the inercom. That would be fun! Well thats the end of my story. Good by."

Not so sure Walker has a future in education but with these promises, politics is looking like a career option! He is good looking and can be very persuasive so he might be President one day. Of course, I did see another sheet where he was asked if he thought he would make a good President. He said no because he doesn't like to work. Great! He will be living with me for the rest of his life. WAIT...politics is still an option with that work ethic so I may be OK!

If I Were President - This works out great because Walker actually had to write about what he would do if he was President (can you tell it was an election year). Here is what he wrote.
"If I were Presedent I wold stop football and on the football chanel I wold put cartoon network. I would make bacougan (this is a interesting spelling for a toy he likes called Bakugan) for free. I would stop scool. I would make candy free. I wold let every one have a giny pig that wanted one. (That comment is SO directed at me!) I would give the poor mony. I wold stop poloution. I wold make flying for free. (WHAT! He just put Mom out of a job! Crap!)

OK...what have we got here...lots of empty promises that will never happen. Yes, he could be President. I will start picking out my Inaugural Ball gown. Come to think of it, I think TR would make a great Secretary of Defense because he would follow the "He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue" policy. Harsh? Yes...but effective.

Well, it has only taken me about an hour to type this since I have been herding those cats the entire time. Better go and hope I can defend myself for the remainder of the day. If I lose the good fight, then it has been nice knowing you all...

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