Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Venting 101...

Had a bad day? I just heard of a great solution! Write it all down in an email and send it to someone that will just delete it! See how many problems this could solve?! Absolute genius!

By the way...in case you guys didn't notice, I have a new little email alert thing off to the left (yes, just look to the left...no, the other left...under the picture...yes, there it is). Just plug in your email address and it will let you know when I have put up some new bit of craziness. I know, you can hardly wait! Don't worry...it will not give me your email address or anything so I can't stalk you. A big thanks to Luke Wood for allowing me to steal his idea! Your blog rocks, Luke! (See...I shamelessly marketed your blog on mine!)

No new movies folks. Although I am really wanting to see Public Enemies with Depp. If I can figure out a way to see it, (ditch work on Thursday and take a long lunch...it could happen) then I will give you my review.

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