Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Things We Think And Do Not Say...

OK...that title is so stolen from Jerry MaGuire but it just popped into my head so I am going with it.

I know you all were on the edge of your seat wondering if I had survived the day with Walker, Texas Ranger and the Tazmanian Devil. I did...just barely. There was screaming, crying, fits thrown, refusal to eat, wanting to eat or drink what we did not have and fighting sleep...and that was just me! The kids also had some issues...

Many thanks to my best friend for coming over and hanging out with me. It added 3 additional kids to the mix but at least they entertained each other...when not fighting. Actually, the kids played together fine and we had lunch at Mickey D's (I HATE that place) and then went to the park. Being that I am not a stay at home mom, it seems odd that so many people hang out at the park during the day. Is this what goes on while I save the world daily at my job? OK...I don't save the world but commerical aviation is very important people!

Funny story...I was with all the kids at the Mickey D's while my friend went to grab straws, napkins or the like. I was helping all the kids and this guy that is walking by stops and stares at me. He then asks if all those kids were mine. Six kids! I laughed that really crazy laugh that mothers on the edge have and told him no...I didn't know any of them! No...I did claim two of them but I didn't point out which two since mine were engaged in a fight at that moment and it would have reflected poorly on my mothering skills! More power to those that have 6 or more kids. I think they are nuts...but it is their right to be nuts.

Seems like I am digging a deep hole here in mommyville so I better sign off before DHS tracks my IP address and comes for Walker and Texas Ranger!

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