Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas to All...

Another Christmas has come and gone. I can't say that I am sad at its passing. Guess I have officially made the move from childhood to adulthood. It also could be because I knew pretty much everything I would be getting this year. I picked out a coat from my parents, I knew what I was getting from my brother and sister-in-law and me and hubby only did stocking again. So, other than the Burn After Reading DVD, I knew most of what was "under the tree". I did have a WONDERFUL time watching the kids. They LOVED their gifts and were so excited when they opened each and every gift.

Since I said I would be posting about movies on this here blog, let me do some of that. Burn After Reading is the newest Cohen brothers movie. Yep, those cooky brothers who brought us such classics as Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou and the good, but decidedly odd, No Country For Old Men. Their newest journey into the world of movies pulls a steller cast together. We've got Clooney, Pitt, Malcovich, McDormand, etc. As with most of their flicks, this one strings together many plot lines into one common thread at the end. Clooney and Pitt are hysterical...even though they share the screen for only a short amount of time. Frances McDormand is fabulous even though she does seem to be doing that accent from Fargo all the time. She is a true comedic gem.

What is this odd little piece of cinematic craziness about? Well, it has to do with a CIA spook (Malcovich, of course) who is fired and then decides to pen a book about his time with the CIA. Unfortunately, a CD with his writtings and some financial data is lost at a health club. In steps Pitt and McDormand who play bumbling health club workers who decide to blackmail Malcovich...mostly so McDormand can "rebuild" herself with the help of plastic surgery. As with most of these plots, the characters cross and recross without ever knowing that they are all so close to the end game...well, until it is the end game.

Kudos to the Cohen's for another off the wall movie. No one can accuse these boys of selling out to Hollywood or walking the path most traveled. Wait a minute, maybe one day years from now it will be Walker and Texas Ranger as the famous brothers who make weird movies! Don't laugh, you know growing up with me as a mother it could SO happen! I bet they are socking away some juicy script lines even now from their very colorful mother...

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