Friday, December 19, 2008

Where Is FEMA When You Need Them?

School let out yesterday so Walker and Texas Ranger are both home today with me. Spying a gingerbread house kit that I bought three days after Halloween, I decide it was finally time to put that puppy together and enjoy some fun, family Christmas time together!

I get out all the stuff and read the directions. We have actually used this kit before and I gave it high marks for ease of use. Not so much this time around.

It said to squeeze a line of icing into the tray slots and onto the two end pieces...these folks even included color pictures for those who can't read or just don't like to. I followed the instructions and squeezed globs of icing (who other than Martha Stewart can make those staight lines of icing with a plastic bag that you cut the end off of?) on the appropriate parts. I tell Walker and TR that we have to wait 15 minutes before decorating the lovely little house. We ended up eating lunch and waiting way longer than 15 minutes so I am assumed all was good.

We begin decorating the house and right away things weren't going well. I am not talking about the fact that TR was eating the decorations at a rapid pace...which he was. I am talking about the fact that the house was falling apart. First the roof slipped apart and all the decorations that were on the roof line were now inside the house. I took the roof pieces off, shoved them back together and tell the boys to be very careful. We begin decorating again only to notice the walls are caving in. What the heck! I take the roof pieces off again and shore up the walls. Then the roof pieces are put back on with more icing. Now we are running out of icing so this baby is going to look NOTHING like the beauty on the box with its snow on the ground and all. At this point I don't care. We finish putting all the decorations on...well, the ones TR hadn't managed to eat...and step back to admire our handiwork. It looked like crap. That fact didn't really matter much because about 15 minutes later I happened to look at the house and the roof had fallen completely apart! I told the boys it was a goner and we needed to call in FEMA. Walker asked who FEMA was and I lied and told him it was a government agency that helped people.

Ultimately the house ended up decorating our trash can. At least the boys can't say Mom didn't make a gingerbread house with them this year!