Monday, January 19, 2009

Wow...I Sure Have Been A Slacker... last post came right after Christmas so I guess it is time to write something.

It has been a busy couple of weeks but I did get to go on my annual scrapbooking weekend! Me and the rest of the crazy scrapping women packed up about half the stuff in our house and headed for a cabin in the mountains. Fun was had by all! Of course, I end up talking about as much as I scrapbooked so I only got 19 pages done...but who is counting! The one of us that does very few pages (you know who you are) actually started and finished 4 pages and even finsihed up a couple more that were already in progress. We are SO proud of you!

Yes, we pack up hundreds of pounds of stuff and set up a scrapbooking store in a cabin, but the real fun is the converstations had by all. The 4 pager mentioned above keeps me doubled over in laughter most of the time. I can't tell you, my dedicated blog readers, what we talk about because all of that has to go in "the vault". However, I can be bought and I do accept PayPal so make an offer! :)

Just so I stay on the track that this blog usually takes...and most often derails...I will also share with you about a movie I recently saw. We took the kids plus one friend to see Bedtime Stories. It looked funny in the trailers so I thought, why not drop 60 bucks. (Hubby HAS to have the "big stupid popcorn and big stupid Coke"...don't ask me where he came up with those titles except I think it is dangerous to your health to eat that much popcorn covered in that mystery oil they call butter so maybe that is what begats the stupid part...anyway...that is what drives up the price of the movie going.)

Bedtime Stories was actually very cute. Adam Sandler almost made up for Don't Mess With The playing a clueless uncle who is asked by his overachiever sister (Courntey Cox) to watch her two kids for a week. As the title suggests, there are bedtime stories told. Uncle Clueless tells the tales, mostly the story of his down and out life but set in Ancient Greece or the Old West and he casts himself as the hero, to his niece and nephew. The niece and nephew add in some things and this movie is off and running. Sandler quickly figures out that the parts the kids add to the story actually happens to him the next day.

Overall, it is happy tale of a once loser guy who makes good and gets the girl. That formula has worked for Hollywood for years so why mess with success. Sandler is funny but keeps it in the PG range so families can enjoy his brand of craziness together...and he is actually much better staying in the PG range. I imagine that a Bedtime Stories 2 is in the works even as I type.

Well, that is really the only Popcorn Report I have to make. Mostly we have been moles hiding in our house watching old DVDs and trying to stay warm. Right now I am watching it snow outside. The boys are SO excited! Of course, they think it is going to make it look like a ski resort outside and I know it will probably stick to nothing, but they can dream...and I let them.


Junior said...

Thanks for the Bedtime Stories review....we were debating about if it was worth going!

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

We saw it and liked it too. The boys thought it was funny and hubby Dean even laughed and thought it was entertaining.

Question: would you take a 12-year-old boy to see Twilight? Didn't sound like much sex/language, etc., but a friend told me she thought he'd be bored because her 6 year old daughter was (that sounded a bit young to me!).