Friday, December 5, 2008

Bad Things Come In Twos...

Nope, that title is not about Walker and Texas dare you guys think that of those angels! It is from a rocking song that appears in one of my new favorites. Read on...

So, I ran out and rented Wanted this week. I had really wanted to see it when it was released in the summer but it just didn't work out. Seeing it on the big screen would have been great but I had to settle for our 32 inch beauty with the VCR built in...don't be jealous, not everyone can have one.

Wanted stars Morgan Freeman (what a great actor), James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie. I really like this cast. I know that Jolie cheated with Pitt but I have let that go and started to like her again. Honestly, I love Mr. and Mrs. Smith so I would just be a big hypocrite not to like her. James McAvoy is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. He has such a great range...from period films like Atonement to this high octane flick.

The plot of Wanted is a bit lacking but the action is top notch. It also has a wicked sense of humor...or I just happen to have the same sense of humor...and that jacks it up another notch in my book. Pretty much, it is about Wesley (McAvoy) who is a Loser (and yes, I meant to cap that "L"). He is in a dead end job and his best friend is having an affair with his live-in girlfriend. When Fox (that would be Jolie...don't you wish you had a cool name like Fox? I sure do. Maybe I shall make up a new name for myself...something else to ponder.) shows up and tells Wesley that he has the makings of a super assassin, Wesley is not easily convinced. He is not sure about "The Fraternity" which is a group of super assassins with special talents. Although he does come around rather quickly with a great "take this job and shove it" moment at his crappy job. Now Wesley is running with the bad boys and girls of The Fraternity and learning to "curve the bullet".

It has some twists and turns but it is really all about the car chases, things blowing up and guns in this one. If you have a weak stomach for violence (specifically head shots...and I mean that like people getting shot in the head) the you might want to skip this one. They also throw the F-Bomb quite a bit but it sorta works for them. I mean, come on, if you are already killing people as your profession, dropping the F-Bomb isn't sending you to hell any faster than you are already going. Also, if someone was trying to kill me on a regular basis, I might be inclined to thrown it down too...don't tell Mom.

Additionally this week we rented Step Brothers. I would give this one a F-. I mean, it is so bad it is just sad. If you saw the trailer and thought it would be funny, think again, it is just terrible. If they were looking for the magic out of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly that produced the classic Talladega Nights, it got lost along the way. Nothing about this movie is funny. Thank goodness I didn't pay full movie price to see this mindless tale. If you have a Will Ferrell craving, just watch Elf is the right season and it is some of Ferrell's best my humble opinion.

As always, you are welcome for my insightful movie reviews. I am sure I have made your life a little better. You are welcome.

Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! Guess I should have posted some goodwill message ahead of the holiday but I was busy...and a slacker. Don't laugh...admitting it is the first step in the program (I have been holding on step 2 for several years but I am hopeful that 2009 will be my breakout year!)

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