Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Happy Place Burned Down

Another wonderful weekend comes to a close at the old homestead. Instead of packing it full of "go, go, go" fun, we did nothing. I mean it was one of those lazy weekends where picking out a DVD to watch was almost too much to do. (This is really one even cared when I put on what I wanted to watch!)

So, we get to Sunday (that lazy day part above was Saturday). Of course we wake up with smiles on our faces and sing songs as we drive to church to learn about the true meaning of this Christmas season. NO...that was the family we passed on the way to church (aren't those people just creepy!) after we had yelled, fought about shoes choices (Texas Ranger only wants to wear his magic shoes...not the boots that go with his church clothes. Of course, his magic shoes are his "school" shoes that look like crap) and piled in the car to screams of "I can't get my seat belt buckled"! We did have on music. The boys and Daddy listened to happy Christmas carols I found for them on the radio right before I stuck my ear buds in my ears and cranked up my iPod to drown them all out!

Now we get to church. It goes fairly well...probably because we all were separated for most of the time. Off for home with not much ado except where to eat a healthy lunch (Sonic!). Once home we prepare for our Sunday afternoon ritual...naps! The boys are instructed by Nazi Daddy (have I mentioned that is what he is known as...anyway, that is another story for another day) to put on their PJs from earlier and GET IN BED. Now, this order was given MANY times as Walker and Texas Ranger stumble about like blind children looking for the PJs that are laying right on the floor where they left them. Nazi Daddy finds the PJs and, not too kindly, tells the boys again to PUT THEM ON AND GET IN BED! Now I find that it is time to step in. One of the reasons was I could see that Daddy was seriously on the edge of sanity. I went over and gave him a big hug and told him to go to his happy place. In a strangely flat voice he told me that his happy place had burned down. Don't you just hate it when that happens!

Hope anyone reading this had a better weekend. A weekend where your happy places are still standing. Now we are down to the ageless question, do we rebuild or just move on to a new happy place. I say we move...and don't tell Walker and Texas Ranger where we went!

Disclaimer...the aforementioned leaving of children was meant in jest...mostly...and there are no current plans to leave our children parentless and move. Please put down the phone and don't call DHS on more call and we are done for!

1 comment:

Junior said...

Tell Richard I think homeowner's insurance should cover that! Hope he can rebuild real soon :)