Saturday, June 6, 2009

Land of the Lost Rant! we went last night to the MKAA Drive-In Movie Night. The first movie was Night at the Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian. I had already seen that one...which you know because you all have read my blog on that I am sure. The second movie was Will Ferrell's new movie, Land of the Lost. I have a few choice words for Will on his remake of the Saturday morning show from the 1970s...

Dear Mr. Ferrell,

Saw your new flick, Land of the Lost, last night...opening night. Well, I should probably rephrase that first sentence. I saw PART of Land of the Lost last night. I must say, in my extremely talented opinion as a movie critic, that Land of the Lost was the worst piece of cinematic trash I have seen since you made Step Brothers! What were you thinking? Not only was it completely stupid with no real plot, there were curse words, inappropriate sexual references and, what made me leave, one of the most over the top sacriliegious lines in a movie...EVER.

There was tons of CGI money in this so I am sure the movie was not inexpensive to make...not counting the fact that you probably scored a $20 million buck paycheck. So, you had the money and instead of making a funny take on a 1970s TV show, you decided it was best to attempt to offend most everyone with the movie. I am disappointed in you Mr. Ferrell. You have the ability to be supremely funny. I have witnessed it on SNL and other movies. So, I must ask the following question. What were you smoking when you either read this screenplay or...GASP...wrote it yourself? I would look that part up on but frankly I don't want to see even the movie poster again.

Let me gently remind you that your best ever box office for a movie you headlined was Elf. I hardly meet anyone who doesn't love you in Elf. Cute movie, good plot and comedy that was appropriate for most anyone. Just looking at the numbers Mr. Ferrell, I suggest you rethink your approach to making movies that are vulgar and return to making movies that you would be proud for your children to see.


A Fan That Thinks You Have Lost Your Way...

OK...I probably won't mail it but at least I have it out of my system. In case by some wild stretch of the imagination you did not get my point, here it is. DO NOT GO SEE LAND OF THE LOST! I give it an F-.


Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Holy Moly - what made you leave??!! I have to say that the long trailer only looked marginally funny so we weren't jumping in the car, but certainly not now!

BB said...

What made me leave was a Will Ferrell line that goes something like this..."I have treated you like a toliet..a toliet. I am sorry and I have to tell you that, no kidding, right now I love you like a billion times more than Jesus loved people when he died on the cross." It was a little worse than that but that is all I can remember. After all the language and vulgar references, that was it for me!