Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bigger and Louder Doesn't Always Mean Better...

Saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen last night. A big thanks to the gang we went with to the movie and dinner. We had a great time and we need to do it again soon!

The movie delivered on the robots...lots of them. It delivered on action...lots of it! What it was a little short on was the character interaction that made the first one so good. Sam just didn't get to be Sam enough and the new character they added (his college roommate) was just annoying. It was also a bit long but that is just being pickey.

There were also more sexual references, a drug reference thrown in and some language that could have been left out. I am ticked off at this because my boys REALLY wanted to see it and I don't think it is one that they should see. They might look over the things that I just mentioned but I don't really want to take the chance. I don't mind robots doing each other in...I just don't want them seeing/hearing the rest of it. Michael Bay...I am disappointed that you thought you had to throw that junk in...OK, it was probably the screenwriters but Bay is the BOSS so he gets the blame! You could have just had things blow up and cool robots and you still would have made a killing at the box office!

Overall, I would give this one a B. It could have been better but things did blow up and the robots were really cool.

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