Friday, June 19, 2009

My Fake German Accent Is Better Than His...

No time to go hit the big screen so it has been DVD rentals of late. In case you haven't seen these, I will give you my highly sought after opinion. (Don't ask who highly seeks my opinion because that is a secret.)

He's Just Not That Into You - based on a book by the same title, this movie follows the lives of several people who are either in relationships or would like to be. There is the girl who stalks any guy who gives her his number, the guy who never gets serious with anyone, another girl who is looking but is thwarted by all the technology that one can now get dumped by (voicemail, text, MySpace, Facebook, tweeting...), the married couple who are growing apart, the living together couple who aren't getting married and the single girl who doesn't care if she is hitting on a married man. All of these folks either know each other or are friends of friends. It sounds a bit complicated but it works just fine. Some of the people end up in great relationships and others end up on their own. The how and why of how they end up in these places are the crux of the movie and makes for a reasonably enjoyable movie watching experience. Not my highest praise for a movie but it holds it's own. I would give it a B...maybe a B-.

Valkyrie - This big budget Tom Cruise flick centers around a plot near the end of WWII to kill Hitler by high-ranking members of the German army. Cruise doesn't even attempt to sound German. I think he should have given it a shot but maybe my fake German accent is better than his so perhaps it was for the best.

I love most movies based on historical events and this one is decent despite the lake of German accents. I knew that there were multiple plots (15 according to the movie) to kill Hitler but I did not know the ins and outs of Valkyrie. Valkyrie was actually a plan developed to ensure that Hitler’s Germany would survive even if the government was compromised or Hitler himself was killed. The reserve a National Guard of sorts...was to be activated and take control of the country in 6 hours lest Germany fall back into the hands of sane people. Cruise and cast decides to not only kill off Hitler but also enact Valkyrie and take the government. Good plan. Did it work? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Hitler killed himself in a bunker as the Allies were advancing on folks should go back to history class. So, no...plot for movie is good but plot to kill Hitler and take the government failed. Fifteen attempts on Hitler and he ends up killing himself. Those Germans should have gotten someone from the Middle East to take him out...just saying...

One of the things that I liked about this movie was the costumes. I know...I should say action here! I love the way women dressed in the 40s. Dresses, gloves, hats...they all looked, well, feminine. I actually saw this nightgown during a recent girls night out that looked like one of the dresses from that bygone era. I put the hanger over my head to "try" the gown on. (If you are a guy, you probably have never hung a hangar over your neck to "try" something on but it sort of works...anyway...) The gown was long and satin...white just edging toward ivory. I could just see myself in it with my hair piled on top of my head (don't mention that my hair is too short for that) and maybe a silk flower in the hairdo. Oh well, born too late for all that so I shall just throw on a pair of jeans and t-shirt and look like a boy...

Would I recommend Cruise's turn as a German? Yes. It isn't great but the historical story keeps you on the edge of your seat...even if Cruise's acting skills don't... This one gets a B+.

Now that I think about it, maybe I will go back for that nightgown...I might be able to pull that look off...


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Hello. And Bye.

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