Friday, November 21, 2008

Yep, that is why we take the kids to church!

This morning my little one (let's just call him Texas Ranger) crawled into bed with me for some snuggle time. I don't know a mom on the planet that doesn't love to snuggle with their little one. As we snuggled with his two green frogs that MUST be in hand when he is in any bed, we got into a discussion about Christmas. I had put up some of our Christmas decorations while the kids were asleep last night so they woke up to a slightly changed house. This change made Texas Ranger (TR) think that perhaps Santa was right around the corner.

So, here we are having this great moment and talking when TR asks if it is time for Christmas. I tell him that it isn't Christmas yet but it is time to start putting out our Christmas stuff. Thinking that this would be a great Chrisitan teaching moment I grabbed onto it and moved forward. I asked TR if he knew what Christmas was really about. He started with presents and I told him no. Then his answer (after some pondering) was Santa. Again, I told him no and prompted him with the question, "whose birth do we celebrate at Christmas?". This time he was really thinking. He paused for several moments before finally answering, "Elf". It sure is good that TR goes to church every Sunday. Obviously he needs to be put in the slow Sunday School class after that answer!

Of course I shared with TR that it is indeed Jesus and not Elf who we celebrate at Christmas. He thought that over but I still think he may think it is Elf. Darn you Will Ferrell for making such a cute movie!

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