Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Being 8 is better than the alternative...

So, a friend of mine and I (you know who you are) decided to go out to eat and see a movie last weekend. I really can't remember the last time she and I saw a movie together without children present. Maybe it was when we were in college. I do have a vivid memory of seeing "Ghost" with her. You all remember that one...Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze in that movie where he gets killed by his best buddy then has to use Whoopi Goldberg to talk through since she is a scam mystic whose only real contact with the beyond is Swayze. It was a tear jerker in the end with Swayze finally saying I Love You to Moore without just saying Ditto and then Moore getting to see him taken into the light while The Righteous Brothers sing. I digress...anyway, when we saw that movie I was crying my eyes out by the end and my friend sat there like we were watching a documentary on single cell organisms. Needless to say, we have different movie watching styles and are pretty different in most other realms too. She is more reserved and thoughtful where I am yelling my opinion at anyone whether they are listening or not. Of course, we do have one thing in common...our children have brought us both to our knees and driven us to the crazy house! (I know that is not very PC of me to write "crazy house". I think the current PC term is "nut joint".)

Last weekend this friend and I had an important choice to make with huge ramifications. We could either see "Zack and Mira Make a Porno" or "High School Musical 3: Senior Year". Now the obvious bystander that sees two women entering "Zack and Mira" would assume...lesbians. I mean it would look very Lohan and Samantha...be honest. On the flip side, seeing HSM3 makes us look like 8 year olds. Again it comes back to that age old question, look like lesbians or 8 year olds.

Seeing as how neither of us looked the part (obviously missing was a fadora, vest and high top sneakers on one of us and a slutty dress on the other), we hit the cavity inducing third part of Disney's teen sing-a-long. High School Musical is SO much like High School. It has the dashing basketball star who is also a triple threat. Then there are the good/bad twins to deal with all while dressing in the latest fashions. The only real High School type thing in this movie is Vanessa whose skin shots were all over the web last fall. Now THAT could happen in High School...and probably does all over our great land daily. Better nude shots than guns kids...remember that.

Ahhhh, to be 8 again. Guess we were for about 2 hours last weekend. Now, I have GOT to get me one of those Troy posters for my bedroom wall...I already have the Captain Jack Fathead in the kids room...

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