Monday, November 10, 2008

Walker and Texas Ranger

I have two boys. One is 4 and the other is 8. I would like to tell you all that these are fine boys that obey their mother and are kind to one another. I would be telling a terrible lie if I told you that.

Don't get me wrong, they are just typical boys. This is what I tell myself to make it through another day without meds. They will grow up and their strong willed personalities will make them do great things and make their mother proud. This is justice for me having to endure trips to Wal-Mart where one of them lays in the floor and yells or they fight each other to the death in the Target.

It comes down to this...I have Walker and Texas Ranger living with me. (For those of you who have not been fortunate enough to watch the masterpiece of cinematic art known as Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, you may not know what I mean. I would highly recommend this treasure.) I am not really sure where they came from exactly. I mean, I know how they got here...I do remember those moments with absolute clarity (one was 9 lbs and the other over 8! YIKES!). I just don't know how Walker and Texas Ranger ended up being my little "angels" to look after. Why are they coming at me like a spider monkey? I was a good child...just ask my mom.

Now these high spirited boys do make life interesting...and long as you have an offbeat sense of humor. Why, just the other day on the way home from church we had a wonderful discussion about one of God's creatures...skunks. We had just smelled a skunk and my hubby says, "I would like to have a skunk for a pet". (I know what you are thinking...he may be the Ricky Bobby in this family...I too have considered this option.) So, upon hearing that Daddy wants a skunk as a pet, the 4 year old says, in his very serious voice, "Daddy, we can't have a skunk because they would fart up the place". At this point Daddy and I are trying to look out the windows and not encourage the use of such language while at the same time laughing so hard we are crying. Finally, Daddy pulls himself together enough to say that a pet skunk would have the farts taken out before we got it for a pet. Thank goodness the air was cleared on that issue.