Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wasn't this suppose to be about movies or something...

With that great title from a movie I thought I would be blogging more about my insane love of the movies. Also, this blog was born out of that thought...not from my own head, but from that of a good friend (you know who you are).

So, my latest "movie about to come out obsession" is Twilight. I know, those were suppose to be books meant for teenage girls. Who cares, they (all 4 of them with the slight exception of book 2) were great. So, to see these characters brought to my favorite medium outside of books gives me something to look forward to. Yes, I have read all about the cast, the director, the budget, the hype, etc. I know that at first (long before I discovered this little world where vampires roam Washington state) the character of Edward was cast and people HATED the casting. Now, they think Robert Pattinson is none other than Edward conjured straight from the book. I do love his crazy hair... So what that he is 22 and I am 36...I am sure I could still be his Bella if I put my mind to it. Laugh if you must.

Having seen all 12 or so trailers that this movie has spawned, I know that I have seen all the "big moments" but it is all those little ones that I can't wait to see brought to life on the big screen. Losing myself in a movie based on a book that I already lost myself in is simply wonderful. I can almost smell the popcorn!

As a side note, I have a helpful movie viewing tip about how not to have to rush to the bathroom during a movie. There is nothing I hate more than that...OK, there are things I hate more but let me ramble a minute. The way it use to work for me was go into the theater and then run out just before the movie started to try to pee again. Then I would almost always start to have that "I gotta go" feeling just as the movie was heating up. I would put it off as long as possible trying to gage the best time to run out...not missing the best part of the movie. Then I was off, rushing down the steps (but not too fast so that the other theater goers think I am nuts), then rounding the corner and taking off. Into the bathroom and taking care of business with lightening speed. Rush back out of the bathroom with hopes I have hand sanitizer in my purse so I don't waste precious time washing my hands. (You have done it too, don't judge.) Then run back in and thrown myself in my seat and ask hubby, "what did I miss!", to get the answer, "nothing". Too many times I have later seen the movie on DVD to see that I indeed did miss something. SO, I have found the solution to the problem. Still do the last minute trip to the restroom but then eat at least twice as much (more if you can stomach the yellow oil they pretend is butter) as you drink. The popcorn will soak up the liquid (usually a Coke in my case because I am from the South and it is almost our regional drink...sweet tea is number one of course with Coke as a close second)! It is an amazing revelation that I have discovered and I am sharing it here publicly for the very first time. You are welcome.

Back to Twilight, this movie centers around a normal girl, Bella, who movies to a town called Forks in Washington state. She immediately draws the attention of a member of a beautiful but odd family known as the Cullens (Vampires hidding in plain sight). Edward, yes, the one of great hair mentioned above, just about kills Bella because her blood is so powerful to him. Guess I should mention that these vamps don't drink human blood, just animal blood. So, we are off and running on this tale of forbidden love. The ordinary human and the beautiful, but very deadly, vampire. It is a great ride in the book and I am hoping it will be on screen. Releasing on November 21, I am sure this is going to pull down the bucks...and allow the other 3 books to start their progression from written word to big screen blockbusters. Be sure to check it out.

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