Saturday, November 8, 2008

Random Thoughts...

A normal are screaming and attempting to slay each other with enough weapons to arm a small middle eastern country (one of those countries without all that oil money). Hubby is curled up on the sofa flipping through the channels. Ahhhh...domestic bliss. But what is all this about having to clean the house and now the kids are yelling that they are hungry! What?!

Oh yeah, and those $100+ tickets to Disney on Ice for tonight that I bought and surprised on the kids were met with lukewarm reviews. In fact, Ethan proclaimed he DID NOT want to go because he was afraid he would slip and fall on the ice. When it was explained that he would not be on the ice, he broke down because he WANTS to skate. Head hitting wall over and over...mine, not the kids...I know what you thought. So, it may be that I dropped $100+ bucks just down the drain. Man, that would have paid for a massage...probably with those hot rocks thrown in. No, I will not think like that. We will go and have MANDATORY family fun at this event. Happy, happy, happy! When the event photos eventually get scrapbooked...sometime late in Obama's first term, those kids and their parents will look so freaking happy it will make people think that the perfect family attended Disney on Ice!

Darn...almost lunch time...what to fix?

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