Friday, January 20, 2012

Vampires...CW Version and Depp Version

I really thought that the whole vampire fad would have faded by now.  Was I ever wrong!  They are more popular than ever and in a good way.  In fact, I think they are getting cooler.  (Goodbye Edward, it is time to kick you out of this party!)

First up, The Vampire Diaries.  This is my guilty pleasure.  I have written about it before so I won't go into details about the show except to say that it revolves around a love triangle.  Two brothers, frozen in time due to being vampires, are both in love with the same girl.  (Look back at that other post for how they have sorta loved her before because she looks exactly like the vampire that turned them over a hundred years ago!)  Elena is the beautiful girl next door.  Stefan is the "good" brother while Damon is the "bad" brother. it was up until recently.  Now Stefan is all about his villain status and Damon is all about saving those he loves.  Of course, he loves Elena who, up until he went nuts, was in love with Stefan.  Now, Stefan isn't in love with her (or so he claims) and Elena is boyfriendless.  Whew!  Got it?  Good!  Last week, Damon and Elena finally kissed.  I am usually yelling at him to kiss her (I also do this with Richard Castle who also never listens!!) and this time he did!  AWWW!  Let's take a look and then I'll break it down....

This scene is awesome!  Why?  Thanks for asking!  First, Damon could allow Elena to believe Stefan to be worse than he is but he tells her the truth.  Then he tells her exactly what he wants...her.  He looks like he is going to do the good guy thing and walk away but, in great Damon fashion, he walks back up to kiss her.  I LOVE the way he grabs her head then slides his hands into her hair!  He had me with that move.  (OK...he had me when he showed up on screen three years ago.)  Then Elena, instead of pushing him away, puts her hands over his wrists.  I have actually written a kiss similar to this and I got it so right because this was hot and sweet all wrapped together!  Catch the music?  "One door swinging open and one door swinging closed."  How wonderful is that?  You can never overestimate the power of the right music!  Then there is that great pull back that is so slow you think one of them might lean in again.  Finally, the "Goodnight" delivered by Damon is the sexiest Goodnight I have ever heard!  Way to rock this scene Ian and Nina!  (In case you don't know, these two are an item outside of their work on the show and I think we get a nice look at that chemistry!)

Now, to the newest vampire on the block.  Well, he has actually been around for years but someone near and dear to my heart is reviving him.  Welcome back, Barnabas Collins!  Johnny Depp will bring the vampire off the 1960/1970s Dark Shadows to life (or death...not sure) this year!  I remember the early 70s creepy...and I can think of no better team than Depp and Tim Burton to bring it to the big screen.  Take a look at what Johnny looks like on the set.

Creepy?  Check!  Scary?  Check?  Still sexy?  Call me crazy, but check!  Don't get me wrong, he looks totally weird.  However, it is the crazy, creative side of him that I really love.  He disappears right into a character and that rocks!  See you at the movies, Johnny!  (Oh...I also saw where you finally broke up with the French chick.  Does that mean you are offically back on the market?  Why? asking for a friend...)

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