Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Can't Stop Singing It...

If you read the previous post, you will see how I went on and on about Damon finally kissing Elena on The Vampire Diaries.  You might also remember me mentioning the song that was playing and that it matched up so very nicely.  OK.  I have that song stuck in my head and I find myself singing it all the time.  In meetings, in the elevator, in my office.  Thankfully, that last one is usually only heard by me but those other times are a bit awkward!  (BTW - I was not blessed with the ability to sing well.  See that post about Adele for more on that fact!)

Anyway, I can't get the tune out of my head so I thought I might pass it along.  Perhaps, just by blogging about it, I can transfer it from my head to yours.  It's worth a shot.  People are starting to complain.

So, here is my latest song obsession.  I even found one of those (usually horrible) fan made videos with the song.  This one is good so I am using it instead of the video with the lyrics which really needed some help to even approach being good.  Anyway, enjoy...

So, there you go.  If you hear me singing this one, join in!


jeff said...

A few thoughts-
I can safely say that song could not possibly stay in my head.I even forgot it while it was still playing.
Why doesn't he sparkle at 3:30 on the vid?
Which one is Sookie?

BB said...

A few thouhts of my own...

I plan on singing this a lot in your presence just to annoy you.

He doesn't sparkle...EVER. Watch..

The blonde one. On the other show.