Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Crazy, Stupid, Love

In case you missed it, that blog title is the name of a really funny movie that came out earlier this year.  I was talking to a coworker (actually one of our pastors that works with me) and he mentioned that he had seen a movie where the girl in the movie (Emma Stone, as it turns out) had my exact personality.  OH NO was my first thought!  He described the movie and I asked him if it was Crazy, Stupid, Love.  He said yes and I told him I heard it was great but I hadn't seen it.  I told him I would check it out.  Of course, I HAD to check it out to see this character that he thought was my personality!  You really never know what people think of you so I was curious to see what he thought of me.  Honestly, based on the movie, I'm fairly goofy!  Yep, just as I suspected! 

Anyway, that comment made me rent the movie but it turned out to be a real winner!  It was laugh out loud funny!  I appreciate a clever movie that can make me laugh so I give this one two thumbs up!  In case you haven't seen it, here is the trailer. 

So, it follows Steve Carell's character who is going through a divorce from his wife played by Julianne Moore.  Carell meet a "ladies man" who schools him on how to pick up women.  That would be the ever gorgeous Ryan Gosling (Remember The Notebook?  Remember that scene in the rain?  Yeah, I thought so!).  Then poor Ryan gets the rug pulled out from under him when a girl he tried to hit on and failed shows up and changes his world.  The plot has more going on but I don't want to spoil it all.

I will go ahead and spoil one part.  SO...SPOILER ALERT!  Don't read past this part.  OK...still with me?  One of my favorite parts is when Hannah (Emma Stone) thinks that her boyfriend is going to ask her to marry him.  She is a lawyer and has just passed the Bar Exam.  Instead, he asks her to join his law firm.  She snaps and heads off to find the hot guy who hit on her in the bar.  Before I let you take a look at that scene, please know that I don't drink, pick up guys in bars or throw the f-bomb around like she is about to.  The goofy part?  Yep, probably me!  (Oh...sorry for the stupid subtitles but this is the only version I could find.)

Let me just say, he would have had me after that move too!  (The single version of me!  Geez folks!)  Anyway, Ryan can actually do the Dirty Dancing lift!  I just saw a "year in review" deal and he pulled that move off with Al Roker on The Today Show while he was promoting the movie!  AL ROKER!  Not only can he really do the move, he really looks like he is Photoshopped! 

So, what happens next?  Well, I think that is the best part.  Check it out.

I won't give anything else away.  Go rent this one for yourself and enjoy a good movie!

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