Monday, November 7, 2011

WARNING! I introduced you guys to Adele a couple of posts ago with Rolling in the Deep and then again earlier today with Someone Like You.  I had just downloaded Someone Like You this morning (thanks MT for turning me onto the song!) and I have played it all day.  It is addictive!  Much like Rolling in the Deep was when I first downloaded it.  That is not the warning.

Here is where you need to be warned.  If you like to sing along to songs...I like to very much...then you might want to stick to listening to this song in your car.  It is hard to sing along to the likes of  Adele.  Little known fact...I sing amazing when I am in my car by myself.  Trust me.  It is awesome!  A funny thing happens outside the car or when others are in the car.  I can't carry a tune!  I am guessing it is the acoustics in the car when there aren't others there to clog up my air.  Anyway, since I was obsessing about this song, I found myself singing it outside of the car today!  YIKES!!  Yes, it is as painful to hear as you might imagine.

So, what have learned?  Adele is rocking awesome!  I can sing amazing well in the car by myself.  I should not, under any circumstances, attempt to sing outside of the car!

You guys have been warned.  Maybe you can sing outside of your cars but, just in case, I thought I should give you a heads up.

As a side note to this rambling post, (Two posts today...I know!  What's up with that?!) I also have very strange taste in music.  Maybe it is better if I say eclectic. Yes, that sounds better.  When I downloaded Adele's lovely tune, I also got Goodbye Earl from the Dixie Chicks (Yes, I don't like them anymore either but that song is from their pre "We hate America" era.), Ride a Horse Save a Cowboy by Big and Rich, Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi and Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO (Yeah, I didn't know the name of the group before I downloaded it!).  Is that a weird bunch of songs or what?!  So far, Adele has been the big winner on the playlist...and sing fest!  I am struggling to get past seeing Hamsters in Kia Souls when I listen to Party Rock Anthem.  Oh well...

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