Monday, November 7, 2011

Movies, Songs, Etc...

Do you think movie stars ever get a role where they get to play a part that they actually wanted to play in real life?  For you think Tom Cruise really wanted to fly the F16 to the edge of the envelope or drive in NASCAR?  If so, their job just became so much cooler for them in those movies! 

Imagine you knew that they wanted something like that (fly the jet, etc.) and then you watched as they acted that out.  Wouldn't it be cool?  I sorta had that experience lately.  As I sat watching, I was riveted by the experience and wanted to cry.  (OK...I was really tired so that could have accounted for the almost crying part.)  Anyway, sometimes things just hit you at moments you didn't expect and I think you get a rare glimpse into the "what ifs" of this world.

OK...there is something about movies.  Whew!  My job to blog about movies is done!

I was listening to Adele this morning.  If you have not discovered her, you need to!  Check out this song.  It is amazing!  Her vocals and lyrics are haunting and this video, in its simplicity, works so very well.