Sunday, April 17, 2011

God Thing

Yesterday was a Debbie Downer kinda day.  This morning, at church, God had several messages for me about what I wrote yesterday.  The biggest was...I AM God and I will never leave you!  Trials come and sometimes for reasons that I, God, will use to bring myself glory!

Lord, forgive me for throwing my "fits" about current circumstances and not looking at eternal goals.  Forgive me for allowing a root of bitterness to grow in my spirit.  Forgive me for taking my eyes off you for even a second to look at the storm around me.  Like Peter, I started to sink.

This isn't to say that I will not be down again or totally mess something up.  It is to say that, in every moment, God is faithful and loves me so much!  He sent His perfect son to earth and that perfect son put himself at the will of the Father to die for my sins...and your sins that we may be called Children of God!  That's good stuff.  I don't care who you are!

So, as I can still hear the fans drying my carpet and my husband still has no job and lots of other stressful things surround me, I just need to remember who is in charge and the ETERNAL goal which is hard to see when you take your eyes off Him.

Can I get an Amen?!  I think so...

1 comment:

jeff said...

This is to inform you that your AMEN has been shipped.