Thursday, April 21, 2011

He's Back...

Can't you just smell the popcorn?  I sure can!  It is almost that time of year again.  NO...not the time when I whine about stuff again.  Geez!

Summer blockbuster movies...and this year brings back my favorite Captain!  Johnny, I can't say I LOVED The Tourist but I have HIGH hopes for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides!  You are rid of those dead weights, Will and Elizabeth, so now you can have some real fun! 

OK, so those first three movies were suppose to be Elizabeth's story according to the writers.  How can that be when you are the star?  Without Captain Jack, there isn't a Pirates of the Caribbean!  Let's be honest, did they choose to put Captain Jack (in all his Johnny Depp glory) in the famed ride or Will and Elizabeth?  Yep...Captain Jack!  (OK, Barbossa made it too but Will and Lizzy aren't there.) 

What will the new Pirates bring?  I can only hope the fun and fresh comedy and adventure that Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl brought to the screen in 2003!  Want to see the trailer?  Here it is...

Who knows, perhaps I will dig out my pirate costume for opening night!

Yo Ho!

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