Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Movies...Bring It!

It is 80 plus degrees outside and Memorial Day is behind us. It is season! What have I seen? What did I like or hate? Keep reading...

Star Trek - Let me begin by saying that I am not a Trekkie. I am a Star Wars fan and did not really care for the Star Trek TV show or the movies it (they if you count all the Star Trek shows) spawned. Having said that, the JJ Abrams reboot of Star Trek is really awesome! It begins with a time warp thing that allows Abrams to totally start from scratch on the story line (which will continue in the movies to follow...yes, they are already writting them). We get to see young Kirk and Spock and discover how the entire crew (by that I mean the ones that mattered) ended up on the USS Enterprise. The new cast pulls off their roles brillantly. I would have to say I really was into Spock. He has this cold exterior but under it all is a temper with passion. Not sure what it says about me that I was digging Spock over Kirk and everyone but he was smoking hot....weird haircut, pointy ears and all. I would give this an A and a must see for your summer movie viewing.

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - I really loved the first installment of this movie series. This time around, it fell a little short because they tried to pack too much of a good thing into the movie. Last time, Larry Daley was worried about all the things coming to life in one the entire Smithsonian has come to life. It was funny but did drag in parts and it felt rushed. Some of the best parts involved the characters from the first one such as Octavius and Jedidiah. One of my laugh out loud moments came when Octavius, seeing Jedidiah trapped, yelled at him to stay alive and he would find him. Of course, this is a reference to The Last of the Mohicians famous "behind the waterfall" scene where Daniel Day-Lewis tells Madeline Stowe to stay alive no matter what occurs and that he will find her. This has got to be one of the most romantic scenes in a movie ever. He jumps, she is captured and then he races to some great music after her to save her at perhaps the cost of his own life. THAT my dear male friends, is how to treat a woman. But, I digress. Anyway, Night at the Museum is entertaining and my kids loved it. I am scheduled to see it again this Friday at the Drive-In Movie night for work. Maybe I will like it better on a second viewing. For now, I would give it a B and tell you to catch the matinee.

Up - Just saw this one today! Didn't really want to see this one but was invited out by some wonderful people from church to lunch and a movie. Since we have like...well, few friends, we took them up on this offer and tried to be on our best behavior! Lunch was great and the movie was better than I expected! Pixar can almost do no wrong. Storyline was great, animation was amazing as usual and it delighted both the young and young at heart alike. The basic plot of the story is that a man wants to complete the adventure longed for by his now departed wife. Things do not go according to plan but that is where the fun and sweet moments come from...both in this movie and in life. Sometimes accidents or being in the wrong place are just what is needed to open the door to the next exciting adventure. Anyway, I could go on but I will go ahead and give this one an A. It also had a trailer for Toy Story 3...coming next summer. Always love it when they give me something to look forward to!

That is all I have seen (I think) this summer. As for what is going on with me...well, I am currently working on a small indie movie myself at the moment. The budget is...well, I am not sure there is a budget but we are having a lot of fun. The best part...I get to go back a few years in age and play a gypsy. I have only been "on set" for one day but it was great. I think we got some really good stuff. It only took about 20 takes of one scene but it was in your face good at the end and I got to slap someone (you know who you are...and sorry about that and the other real slaps that were suppose to be took them like a man!). Coming soon, I get to be tied up, knocked out, slapped and punched...I can hardly wait!

See you at the movies...


Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Totally agree on Night at Smithsonian - draggy and slow - seemed like they let them ad lib to see if anything funny would happen...& it didn't. Thanks for clearing up "I WILL find you" - couldn't remember where it was from! My LOL moment was the slapping of the 2 monkeys and Larry. RE Star Trek - was there too much sex for a 6-yr-old to see? One scene in the preview seems to suggest sex - really?

BB said...

@Sister - The one scene is very short and the girl is green which I thought made it less sexy or something and more...funny. She is in bra and undies and one other character gets down to the same but I thought it was over quick enough and they didn't really focus on it being a "sex" scene. I would say OK but we may have different standards...I am fairly 4 year old saw it! (Don't turn me in!)

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

I won't call DHR. I let Lucas watch Airplane from the 70's - who knew they showed a giant pair of boobs - I didn't remember that! Plus we bought Spaceballs by Mel Brooks - who knew there was a giant F-bomb as the big finale? Lots of coughing followed that one!