Monday, May 11, 2009

Fairy Tales In 2009... I have seriously slacked on my blogging duties. I am really only doing it now to avoid ironing clothes so you all should feel really sorry for me and my sad life.

Anyway, I am here to weave a fairy tale about Miss California, Perez Hilton and how Donald Trump got to be the moral compass of our fair land. So, here we go...

A long time (like a month) ago in a strange land far away (California) lived a beautiful princess with a crown and everything. One day this beautiful princess was asked a question by the wicked Queen (yep, Perez). The beautiful princess looked deep in her heart and answered the question truthfully (as all good princesses in fairy tales do). Her answer angered the wicked Queen and the Queen threw a black cloud of hate across the land. The Queen went on Larry King and tweeted terrible things. The princess had told the truth but it wasn't what the Queen wanted to hear so the Queen wanted the princess to give back her crown. Even those who lived in her strange land far away began to turn against her...well, at least those in the highly liberal areas like Hollywood and San Francisco. The fate of the beautiful princess was then laid in the hands of the Combover King (you guessed it...Trump). The Combover King had the power to take her crown so she could no longer be a princess. What would the Combover King do? Would he side with the wicked Queen and the liberals from the land of the Govenator or would he grant her safe passage to a kinder land...maybe Tennessee because we don't care for the wicked Queen round these parts. That part of the tale, my dear friends, has yet to be written. If I were to write it, I would have the Combover King just slap the heck out of the wicked Queen and remove the Queen's website, twitter and Facebook priveledges for life....and the princess would live happily ever after as the wife of a SEC football coach where she would be appreciated for her beauty and candor. But, I fear, not all stories are fairy tales...

So kids, what can we learn from the fairy tale? That Perez Hilton is a nasty little fellow? Yes. That our country has become a place where people who speak their mind but don't give the PC answer are scorned and labeled as haters, bigots, homophobes? In some places, yes...but not all places. I am proud to live in a place where believing that marriage should only be between a man and a woman is further discussion needed.

How did we get here? We, the Christians of this fair land, stood by and said nothing. We allowed the few to get their way simply because they cried about their "rights". This isn't like the civil rights movement where people of color had to fight against racism...although the Queen and court would like you to believe that is the case. This is a fight over what this country really stands on...the foundation laid long ago by those who wrote "In God We Trust" or this minority who screams that the rest of us are just close minded haters who don't get it.

What shall we do? What our ancestors have done for thousands of years...look to the words written by divine inspiration and take our lead from there. Those ancient words hold just as true today as they did two thousand years ago....what was a sin in God's eyes then is still a sin. So, it is sin and they...Queen and court...are sinners. What do we do for them. What we were told from days of old...pray for them that their eyes might not be clouded and they would see The Light!

I know...this was a heavy one. I promise to write about movies next time!


Junior said...


WoodimusPrime said...

If you haven't already seen it go here and watch this video. Hilarious! And dead-on.