Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Eyeliner Never Looks As Good As Richard's...

No...not my husband Richard, Richard Alpert from LOST! He has some seriously well applied "guyliner" that I, at times, envy. He also has that dark skin and I would like to look like I too have a tan all the time so, again, envy.

As you all know, LOST ended with a bang last night. Now all we have to do is hole up for the next 8 months discussing theories and making YouTube videos about Sawyer and Juliet's love...I can almost hear Gordon Lightfoot or Van Morrison playing in the background. Don't judge my taste in music!

Want my take on LOST? No? My blog...too bad. So, here goes nothing...
  • Jacob is Jesus
  • Guy in black shirt is the devil
  • Jacob and the black shirt guy...let's just call him fake Locke...are locked in a battle that has been going on for a very long time.
  • The ship in the distance is The Black Rock...Richard Alpert is on that ship.
  • There is a huge end game being played out by both characters. Fake Locke needs his, well, dead Locke and Jacob needs to be a sacrifice. Why? Because he is the one that can save us all...the answer to the "Who lies in the shadow of the statue" riddle. Oooo....I also like Richard because he speaks Latin...just thought I would throw that out.
  • 1977 Crew plans and executes the destruction of the "hatch" that will bring down Oceanic Flight 815 in 2004. Are they all dead? I think they are not dead but "reborn" and will arrive back on the island. After all, Jacob did tell fake Locke and Ben that "they" were coming. I think the 1977 Crew are the "they" he was talking about.
  • 2007 Crew are matching to the statue...home of Jacob. Ben, tricked by fake Locke, kills Jacob. I think Jacob, needed this to happen. Fake Locke thought he won but he just lost the game...although it will need more time to play out to the end...
  • Dead Locke, killed off island by Ben, is still dead. Richard is a servant of Jacob...I am going to go as far as to call him an that is why he remains the same. Of course, I am probably wrong and Richard is the island big guy and we have overlooked it all along!

My questions...well, just some of them...

  • Did anyone else get a Ark of the Covenant feel from the way they were carrying that crate? I did...
  • How does Jacob know Ilana?
  • Was it fake Locke in the cabin that said "Help Me" to Locke?
  • Was it fake Locke playing dead Alex to tell Ben to "do whatever Locke says"? (I think yes on this one!)
  • Did Sun find Charlie's "DS" DriveShaft ring as a bit of foreshadowing that Charlie will soon return to the show?
  • Why didn't Jacob visit Juliet or Miles in the past to give them his magic touch?
  • Will Juliet make it out of this mess?
  • Who will Kate finally decide on?
  • Does anyone else think Jack has become a big goober? Sorry...not really a question about the show...
  • Will they all retain their memories. (Again, I think yes to this. The redemption aspect plays out much better if they remember all they have gone through on the island.)
  • Is LAX really hell? OK...really not a show question either but worth a thought...
  • What is in that guitar case?

OK...I have to stop because my nose started bleeding. Namaste.

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