Monday, January 19, 2009

This Week...And What It Means To Me

This is an important week. What will happen this week has been talked about for so long and debated for many moons. I can't begin to tell you the importance of this week in my own household. We have talked about this for some time and now it is finally here!

No, I am not talking about this fair land getting a new President, I am, of course, talking about the return of LOST! (Yes, I did hear something about some swearing in ceremony of someone in a state or district up north but that so pales in comparison...doesn't it?!)

It has been a long time since last May when bad boy Ben turned the frozen wheel on the island and moved it to...well, we are all waiting to know!! (DISCLAIMER...if you do not watch LOST, stop reading now because none of this will make any sense and I will seem crazier to you than before...a leap, I know.)

I am a huge fan of Doc Jensen on If I am a LOST fan, this guy is an uberfan. He reads books that relate to the show and researches like crazy so he can, weekly, tell the rest of us his theories from the world of LOST. He is a master...a true LOST maniac! So, if you watch LOST and don't read his column, I would highly recommend him. (He seems like a nice guy. He even emailed me back when I sent him one of my theories relating to how LOST mirrored Star Wars...I know, I am a LOST geek!)

Back to the issue at hand. We are less than three days away from finding out (well maybe finding out) where or WHEN the island moved to, what happened to those left behind and what the Oceanic 6 plan to do about it.

Very exciting stuff! Much better than half of Hollywood showing up in that district up north for that big party that the Dems are throwing. Not that I have anything against our new President. In fact, I hope he can pull off 10% of what he promised because this great land needs some help. On this MLK Day, I sincerely hope that people of all races can finally put aside all the ugliness that has plagued our country in the past and unite behind this President. Did I vote for The reason I didn't was not because of the color of his skin but his politics...especially that part about spreading the wealth. I firmly believe that this country is where people can come and do anything. You can go from poor to millionaire in this country and you shouldn't be punished for being able to do it....OK, unless your means of making money was illegal. I also firmly believe that our country should help those that need help but not give a running line of credit via my check to those who chose not to work and live off of government programs. No one is entitled to anything. You work and work hard to make it in this world. If bad times strike, then we all should lift up the one who has fallen on bad times until they can get back on their feet. Jesus advocated helping the needy but he never said that it was OK to not work and expect others to just give you their money. Wow...where did that soapbox I am standing on come from! :)

Guess I had better stop while I am ahead...or before I offend any and all reading! If you are a LOST fan like me, I bet you have your DVR set and are ready for another amazing ride courtesy of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Ben, the Others, the Dharma folks and others (not to be confused with the cap Others mentioned before). Gotta love this show!

Live Together or Die Alone!

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