Monday, June 11, 2012

A New Look At The Old South

I don't think I have to tell you of my love for Quentin Tarantio's take on WWII in Inglourious Basterds.  Now, it seems Tarantio has turned his skilled camera lens on the Old South.  No, this will not be a tale that includes a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South...where the pretty world of Gallantry took its last bow... where it was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave...We should look for that only in movies (one in particular), for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Civilization gone with the wind...  Yep, ripped that one right out of the most famous tale of the Old South, a piece of Southern heritage as rich as pecan pie served with sun tea...sweet, of course, Gone With The Wind.  And while you will never hear me say a harsh word against that wonderful movie, I do look much more forward to watching Tarantio's newest take on the Old South than rewatch the four plus hour epic that brought us a sassy girl named Scarlett and a dashing rake named Rhett.

Django Unchained will arrive this Christmas.  With it, Tarantio brings to life the story of a slave-turned-bounty hunter who sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner.  It stars the memorizing Christoph Waltz as a bounty hunter who becomes the mentor for that slave-turned-bounty hunter mentioned above who is played by Jamie Foxx.  The two set off on a quest to bring down Waltz's latest bounty and, in doing so, win Foxx his freedom and the help he needs to find his wife who was kidnapped.  Also in the mix is Leonardo DiCaprio who, I think, serves as the brutal Mississippi plantation owner that has Foxx's wife.

Released last week, the first full trailer makes me wish Christmas could be in July.  Take a look...

That has classic Tarantio written all over it.  I can't wait!  If it is as good as this trailer hints at, then this flick will proudly go on the shelf beside Gone With The Wind...and Inglorious Basterds.  Yes, my movie collection, if anything, is unique.

One of these days I will get around to writing about (read gushing over) The Avengers.  Let me just say, if you haven't seen it at least once or twice, you are missing out!  It too will be on my movie shelf the day it comes out!  In closing, I'll just throw out one of my favorite lines from that great summer flick..."Loki's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered...sonofab*&$#!"  Yep, Tony (aka Iron Man) just figured out where Loki's hiding out! Don't understand?  Go see it!  You will not be disappointed!  

See you at the movies...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Worth Another Watch...Or Two...Or Three

Well, I have neglected this poor blog long enough!  Since I last posted that bit of self pity, I have turned *cough* years old, been to New York and have worked...and worked...and worked!  Work and more work is on the horizon so I thought I would pop on here to toss up a YouTube video or two.  Yes, that counts as a real post! 

SPOILER - If you watch The Vampire Diaries and have not seen the last episode, DO NOT WATCH the video below.  You've been warned.  Oh...and don't read anything else in this post either. 

Whether you love The Vampire Diaries or not, this is a great scene.  Long time in coming for the female lead, Elena, to finally admit (and act on) her feelings for the male lead, Damon.  I think she delivers the message clearly!  Of course, we still have Damon's brother, Stefan, to deal with in this love triangle.  Which will she choose?!  I would go with Damon if I had to choose just one.  Otherwise, I'd take 'em both!  Judge me now! :)

Anyway, here is the scene that I had been waiting years to see.  Be aware it fades to black and comes back.  It was the commercial break.

FINALLY!  Elena makes a move on the hot brother!  So what that she already had a thing with the other hot brother! All is fair in love, war and vampire TV shows!

I would like to break down a few of my favorite parts.  Damon with his shirt open is way hotter than Damon without a shirt.  Go figure!  He also rocks the color black!  Elena, as always, sleeps in full make-up, earrings and clothes.  OK.  I can get over that part.  I love the flickering light when they kiss.  I think that was symbolism for "will their passion, once tested, flicker and fade to black."  Is that why that light was flickering?  Probably not but I would like to think so.  Damon putting her against the wall.  Wow and oh yeah!  Finally, why has this show, which has killed off tons of main characters, not killed off the annoying Jeremy yet?! 

Also, since this blog CLAIMS to be about movies, I thought I would throw a movie at you!  DISCLAIMER - I am usually totally against movies based on Nicholas Sparks' novels.  OK, except for The Notebook which I loved.  BUT...all the rest are usually on my "don't see" list.  However, I broke my rule about Sparks' movies and went out with a fabulous (you know who you are) group of women to see The Lucky One.  I am going to be really honest.  I was going to see Zac Efron.  Yes, that kid from High School Musical fame.  I have no excuse or defense.  He's a 25 year old guy that I find hot.  Again, let the judgement rain down! 

Well, Zac has grown up a bit and he did not disappoint.  The movie was only so-so but Efron was worth the price of admission.  Yes, I am starting to judge myself now. 

It's not a great movie but it has it's outdoor shower comes to mind.  Here is the trailer...

Efron's character, Logan, had me at "You should be kissed everyday, every hour, every minute"...well...he probably had me with those blue eyes before that but that quote was awesome!  As with Sparks' movies, somebody is going to die.  It's his formula.  Not ashamed to admit I cried.  Not because of who died, I was totally OK with that part.  I cried because art doesn't imitate life and guys aren't like Logan.  Darn you Nicholas Sparks for making me cry in one of your movies again!

Until next time...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Always Something...

Ever notice when you get something behind you that you've been dreading, life throws you something new?  Well, I hate that!  I think we need a mandatory 1 week "down time" before the next, "are you kidding me" type deal arrives that your mind fixates on.

As you might have guessed, I have been worrying about something (small by the weight of the world standards) but it was troubling.  I hate stress.  I think it should be outlawed.  I bet Obama will claim he can do that in his re-election bid!  (And make all of Paula Deene's recipes fat free without removing any of her fabulous ingredients!  He should really claim that one!  It would go a LONG way with the Southern states! Just saying!)

Anyway, the issues got resolved today with mostly excellent results!  YIPPIE!  I see myself pulling right off of the stress interstate and into calmville when WHAM!, hit by the stress bus I didn't see coming!  Why?  Oh...yeah...that's life! 

It really isn't even stress but those things that I let bother me.  We've all got 'em.  Those nagging little things that tell you what a bad person you are!  The real deal is we are all bad people without grace and forgiveness!  But, we rank the bad, don't we? 

Here's the deal, I am divorced.  I was married for 7 months (yes, I said months) and then I...yes, me...made the decision to end the marriage.  I take full responsibility for my actions.  I was stupid.  Some people judge me based on that fact.  Some don't even know they are doing it but they do it just the same...because it isn't what they would have done.  They would never have done that!  Well, you sure didn't walk that mile in my shoes.  The shoes I still have to wear and feel bad about every time it comes to mind.  I know that divorce is something that God hates.  I know that if you remarry, as I have, then you commit adultry.  All of these are truths.  I acknowledge my mistakes.  Thank goodness there are people so much better than me. 

BUT, are they?  Of course not.  We are all sinners saved by grace.  Before my divorce (besides being young and stupid) I looked down on people and thought of myself as better many times because I hadn't made in "big mistakes."  Afterwards, I looked at myself for what I am...a worthless sinner in need of Jesus!  I knew I needed Him before, but that divorce opened my heart to knowing that we all walk this road of life and make mistakes.  We all need forgiveness from our Lord.  A litttle compassion from each other is also a really good thing!

So, next time I start to stand on a "I would never have done that" type moment, I hope I remember how I felt when someone did it to me.  It sure doesn't feel good.

(I promise that one of these days I will get back to writing about movies and more fun stuff.  I just needed to purge this before I let it bother me and send me heading 100 mph down that stress interstate!)

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I am on the countdown to my 40th birthday. Yippie...right? Actually, who cares? Another number. Another birthday. I wish I had done things by now that I haven't and I have regrets. That's life...right? Maybe.

The last couple of years have than great. That happens. Life isn't a promise of the easy. However, it has made me into a person who doesn't want to expect anything good because disappointment seems to follow me around. Am I doing this to myself by expecting too much? More than likely. But, don't we all do that from time to time? I think so. We all grow up expecting fairytales and those don't exist outside of the movies.

I have much to be thankful for and I hope I can focus on those things as I move forward instead of the things that I can't change. Unhappiness can pull us all under if we let it. We just have to start each day telling ourselves that we will not go quietly into that goodnight. Attitude is everything! Having a sense of humor sure doesn't hurt either!

Of course, when all this goes wrong, I am for running away! Location suggestions and willling parties to join me are welcome!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Can't Stop Singing It...

If you read the previous post, you will see how I went on and on about Damon finally kissing Elena on The Vampire Diaries.  You might also remember me mentioning the song that was playing and that it matched up so very nicely.  OK.  I have that song stuck in my head and I find myself singing it all the time.  In meetings, in the elevator, in my office.  Thankfully, that last one is usually only heard by me but those other times are a bit awkward!  (BTW - I was not blessed with the ability to sing well.  See that post about Adele for more on that fact!)

Anyway, I can't get the tune out of my head so I thought I might pass it along.  Perhaps, just by blogging about it, I can transfer it from my head to yours.  It's worth a shot.  People are starting to complain.

So, here is my latest song obsession.  I even found one of those (usually horrible) fan made videos with the song.  This one is good so I am using it instead of the video with the lyrics which really needed some help to even approach being good.  Anyway, enjoy...

So, there you go.  If you hear me singing this one, join in!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Vampires...CW Version and Depp Version

I really thought that the whole vampire fad would have faded by now.  Was I ever wrong!  They are more popular than ever and in a good way.  In fact, I think they are getting cooler.  (Goodbye Edward, it is time to kick you out of this party!)

First up, The Vampire Diaries.  This is my guilty pleasure.  I have written about it before so I won't go into details about the show except to say that it revolves around a love triangle.  Two brothers, frozen in time due to being vampires, are both in love with the same girl.  (Look back at that other post for how they have sorta loved her before because she looks exactly like the vampire that turned them over a hundred years ago!)  Elena is the beautiful girl next door.  Stefan is the "good" brother while Damon is the "bad" brother. it was up until recently.  Now Stefan is all about his villain status and Damon is all about saving those he loves.  Of course, he loves Elena who, up until he went nuts, was in love with Stefan.  Now, Stefan isn't in love with her (or so he claims) and Elena is boyfriendless.  Whew!  Got it?  Good!  Last week, Damon and Elena finally kissed.  I am usually yelling at him to kiss her (I also do this with Richard Castle who also never listens!!) and this time he did!  AWWW!  Let's take a look and then I'll break it down....

This scene is awesome!  Why?  Thanks for asking!  First, Damon could allow Elena to believe Stefan to be worse than he is but he tells her the truth.  Then he tells her exactly what he wants...her.  He looks like he is going to do the good guy thing and walk away but, in great Damon fashion, he walks back up to kiss her.  I LOVE the way he grabs her head then slides his hands into her hair!  He had me with that move.  (OK...he had me when he showed up on screen three years ago.)  Then Elena, instead of pushing him away, puts her hands over his wrists.  I have actually written a kiss similar to this and I got it so right because this was hot and sweet all wrapped together!  Catch the music?  "One door swinging open and one door swinging closed."  How wonderful is that?  You can never overestimate the power of the right music!  Then there is that great pull back that is so slow you think one of them might lean in again.  Finally, the "Goodnight" delivered by Damon is the sexiest Goodnight I have ever heard!  Way to rock this scene Ian and Nina!  (In case you don't know, these two are an item outside of their work on the show and I think we get a nice look at that chemistry!)

Now, to the newest vampire on the block.  Well, he has actually been around for years but someone near and dear to my heart is reviving him.  Welcome back, Barnabas Collins!  Johnny Depp will bring the vampire off the 1960/1970s Dark Shadows to life (or death...not sure) this year!  I remember the early 70s creepy...and I can think of no better team than Depp and Tim Burton to bring it to the big screen.  Take a look at what Johnny looks like on the set.

Creepy?  Check!  Scary?  Check?  Still sexy?  Call me crazy, but check!  Don't get me wrong, he looks totally weird.  However, it is the crazy, creative side of him that I really love.  He disappears right into a character and that rocks!  See you at the movies, Johnny!  (Oh...I also saw where you finally broke up with the French chick.  Does that mean you are offically back on the market?  Why? asking for a friend...)