Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Facebook Rant Coming Right Up

I am beginning to dislike Facebook.  I would just walk away and leave it but I have to have a personal account to admin the work one so I gotta keep the thing.  The reasons I have been just loathing it recently are varied.  So, in random order, my rants about Facebook:
  1. Keeping Up With The Jones - It seems that, at least in my friend list, there is a trend to post about how fabulous life is..."Fam at the lake on the boat"..."lounging in the pool"..."man it's hot while I sit out in the sun and tan while the rest of you losers work"..."Just bought a new RV and we are heading to the mountians with our 100 friends"...."you just have to go to this wonderful resort where the beach is fab".  Get the picture?'re life is SO much better than everyone else.  Heck, for all of the above (which are REALLY close to posts from my "friends") it's almost true!  I know Facebook is all posting about your life but, lately, it has been about one upping.  Just my opinion.  Also, my blog so it's the only opinion that counts! 
  2. Pity Party Posts - OK, I'll admit that I have also fallen victim to these posts.  They are really easy to fall into.  "My head hurts"..."I hate my life"..."My precious dog who I treat like a child is at the vet...again."  I think these posts should all have the "Debbie Downer" sound at the end (WHAA WA...yeah...I don't know how to type that sound.) 
  3. Cover That Up! - There seems to be a need by some young Facebook users and, much more disturbingly, their mothers to put up prom or pool or beach or car wash pictures where there is WAY too much skin showing!  I have seen prom dresses that were designed at House of Hooker and bikini pictures that would barely pass the censors for Sports Illustrated...all on high school or younger girls!  People, there are perverts that pay for this stuff and you are uploading it for free!  Please, if you let your little girl wash cars in barely there shorts and string bikini tops, don't put it on Facebook.  I mean, isn't it enough that she stood on the street corner...LITERALLY...and brought in business in that outfit?!  This is one time I am very thankful I have boys.
  4. Games - I despise all the games on Facebook and I don't care in the least if you need two more nails for your barn or your latest score on something is getting you closer to winning an iPad! 
  5. Questions - Unless you are a bored teenage girl (based on my research), NO one cares "If so and so can beat you in a fight" or "Do you think so and so is hot" or "Is so and so a good kisser."  Let me answer all those for you now...Beth is smoking hot, can kick your butt from here to tomorrow, does not drink or smoke and has probably never been a ninja.  There...glad we got that out of the way.
That concludes today's rant.  Come back next time when I'll be ranting about people who repost prayer requests that are really hoaxes!

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