Thursday, October 15, 2009

Odd Things...

Did you guys know that if you bite both ends off a Twizzler that you can use it as a straw? I didn't know this but I am having Twizzlers and a Coke (don't ask) for lunch and just discovered this fact! The only problem is that the Twizzler will get too cold if you use it too long as a straw and then it doesn't taste as good. Thought you folks should know...

I ran across a song today that I loved "back in the day" and found I still love it. I must download it ASAP onto my iPod. Remember "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaacs? His voice is smoking hot in that song. I actually found the video on YouTube but it leans too far into the PG-13/R catagory for me to put up. (I all are going to go look now just because I said that!) Anyway, I am so glad I rediscovered "Wicked Game". It is good to enjoy the little things...

Now I am off to finish my lunch by possibly killing off writing...don't call the cops...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Things Crazy People Do...Take Two...

Got that other scene loaded to YouTube! Here is what everything looked like when it was put together with movie magic...

When we were being given our "directions", the guy in this scene could NOT remember what he was suppose to do. The casting lady kept asking him to repeat back to her what he was suppose to do and he never could get it right. In the actually scene, he completed missed part of what he was suppose to do even though the casting lady was right "off camera" yelling at him his "acting directions"! It was really funny...and it made me think of another epic blockbuster and my costars...yes guys, I am talking about you!

I was also in the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular but not much of that was caught on film. Here is what was captured...the first one is me screaming after I was chosen from the audience and the second one is me watching a fellow extras death scene. He went WAY over the top for the death scene! Those of us in the background were just suppose to act upset. Most of the time I was laughing too hard to be upset! After the second video I was in a couple of scenes where I ran around the "marketplace" and cheered on Indy. It was about 100 degrees but it was FUN! Enjoy...

See you at...or in...the movies!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Things Crazy People Do...

Imagine a bunch of people are standing in a line waiting for a Backlot Tour at Disney. Some "Cast Member"...that is what they call employees...comes out with a plea for a volunteer to participate in the show. Everyone tells her no. Then, some crazy lady walks up as she is asking again and says yes! Crazy lady didn't even know what she had just volunteered for...she just thought being part of the show is much more fun than simply watching it!

You guessed it...the crazy lady is me.

Let me set these videos up for you. The first one is me doing "my scene". Movies are filmed out of sequence so my scene was shot first. The movie was suppose to be sorta of Pearl Harbor type thing. I was the mechanic calling from deep within the ship. I was told to pick up the phone and yell a message to the Captain when "action" was yelled at me. I was to continue "talking" to the Captain until they yelled cut and I was to then hang up the phone. The only other things I knew were that I was NOT to look to my left, NOT to stand up and I would probably be getting wet since they had issued me a lovely rain suit and boots! Sounds like fun! Here is what it looked like...

After my scene was filmed, my fellow "actors" did their scene. Once they had their scene shot, Disney married the footage together into the final product. Due to technical problems with the internet access provided at the condo I am currently in, the final scene has yet to be loaded to YouTube. Maybe later...

Hope you enjoy 700 gallons of water being dumped on me! I can assure you that the experience was...well...refreshing!