Sunday, February 22, 2009

You Speak Prada?

Hubby and I got a night out and we went with some friends to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. This movie is based on the bestselling book by the same title. Although it does have some elements of the book, the screenwriters took many, many liberties with the storyline. In the end, it was a fun movie. It wasn't the book but that was OK. It at least held to the spirit of the book.

The title of this one is fairly self explanatory. The story centers around Rebecca Bloomwood. She is a journalist who is completely obsessed with shopping. So much so, that she runs up thousands and thousands of dollars of debt. It is actually a timely reminder of our times. Many Americans (myself included sometimes) love to get that new "thing". That new thing will make us happy...complete our lives. If we can only buy that new thing, everything will be rosy. Not so much. Rebecca lives her life in this constant cycle of getting the Gucci boots just to be back in another store far too soon to get another "hit" by buying a pair of Louboutin pumps. Don't get me wrong, I too want the Gucci boots and Louboutin is just my credit cards would probably self destruct!

This funny tale has Isla Fisher (Rebecca Bloomwood) doing some great physical comedy. The scene where she is trying to flirt with her boss while dancing is hilarious. I will not give this one away but it involves her trying to use a fan while dancing...her efforts are too funny.

So, Rebecca is up to her eyeballs in debt but she always has a plan. Her plans usually are crazy and not at all realistic...such as getting out of debt by winning the lottery...but she works her plans. The result is an often hysterical. In the end, she does come up with a plan to get the debt collector off her heals and save the day...with the help of some very funny Shopaholics Anonymous pals.

Is this the best romantic comedy I have ever seen? Well, no. But it was worth watching. The romance between Rebecca and Luke is sweet and the man even knows how to "speak Prada" which is a sure fire way to Rebecca's heart! Heck...who wouldn't love a man who wasn't gay who could speak the language of high fashion. I am not sure such a man exists outside of Hollywood!

I have to go shopping now...I just know that a Yves Saint Laurent coat can change my life! I had better call my cousin in NYC and tell her I am coming...we all know you can't buy this stuff in KTown!


Junior said...

Well, did Richard like the movie? Or is it mostly geared toward females?

BB said...

Richard liked it to...BUT, he would probably rather have seen the Prada shoes blow up than be bought!