Sunday, February 22, 2009

You Speak Prada?

Hubby and I got a night out and we went with some friends to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. This movie is based on the bestselling book by the same title. Although it does have some elements of the book, the screenwriters took many, many liberties with the storyline. In the end, it was a fun movie. It wasn't the book but that was OK. It at least held to the spirit of the book.

The title of this one is fairly self explanatory. The story centers around Rebecca Bloomwood. She is a journalist who is completely obsessed with shopping. So much so, that she runs up thousands and thousands of dollars of debt. It is actually a timely reminder of our times. Many Americans (myself included sometimes) love to get that new "thing". That new thing will make us happy...complete our lives. If we can only buy that new thing, everything will be rosy. Not so much. Rebecca lives her life in this constant cycle of getting the Gucci boots just to be back in another store far too soon to get another "hit" by buying a pair of Louboutin pumps. Don't get me wrong, I too want the Gucci boots and Louboutin is just my credit cards would probably self destruct!

This funny tale has Isla Fisher (Rebecca Bloomwood) doing some great physical comedy. The scene where she is trying to flirt with her boss while dancing is hilarious. I will not give this one away but it involves her trying to use a fan while dancing...her efforts are too funny.

So, Rebecca is up to her eyeballs in debt but she always has a plan. Her plans usually are crazy and not at all realistic...such as getting out of debt by winning the lottery...but she works her plans. The result is an often hysterical. In the end, she does come up with a plan to get the debt collector off her heals and save the day...with the help of some very funny Shopaholics Anonymous pals.

Is this the best romantic comedy I have ever seen? Well, no. But it was worth watching. The romance between Rebecca and Luke is sweet and the man even knows how to "speak Prada" which is a sure fire way to Rebecca's heart! Heck...who wouldn't love a man who wasn't gay who could speak the language of high fashion. I am not sure such a man exists outside of Hollywood!

I have to go shopping now...I just know that a Yves Saint Laurent coat can change my life! I had better call my cousin in NYC and tell her I am coming...we all know you can't buy this stuff in KTown!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Social Media And Defiance

Doesn't that title sound like a paper some crazy person would write? Yep...I am that crazy person! I am now on Facebook. I resisted as long as possible but finally just gave up and set up an account. Now I have entered the world of Social Media. I can now get a MySpace account, set up a Twitter account and have it all sent to my BlackBerry. I get that I can do all those things, what I don't get is why anyone would give a darn about what I am doing. For those of you who know me, I am not that interesting. Apparently, based on the status updates of most people, they are not that interesting either. If I had something momumental to say...such as..."Beth is about to solve the mystery of the LOST numbers" or "Beth is one step away from discovering the cure for cancer"...these would be interesting. "Beth is mad about Gossip Girl being a rerun" is, well, boring...even for me.

I am thinking this. This social media explosion is just the first step towards the unavoidable show down between the humans and some SkyNet type thing (thanks Terminator). When will the machines take over...and when will they start making my dinner. I mean, come on. They were promising flying cars and those "Auto Chef" type of things back in the 50s. The government should have all the technology from the Area 51 crash figured out by now and I should have my flying car! I am sure that Obama will fix this grievous oversight. Just in case he doesn't, I guess we will all get a glimpse into our future when Terminator Salvation comes out in the summer. Is Christian Bale in everything now or is it just me? He annoys me...right up there with Russell Crowe. He is not sexy and he is annoying...I can find that combo at the local Wally World boys, I don't need to plunk down $40 bucks at the local cinama to see you guys. In addition to not sexy and annoying, did you hear that Bale totally flipped out on this guy that accidently walked through his shot on a movie set? He went nuts and dropped more F-Bombs in the conversation than in a Judd Apatow movie! He was trying to focus people because he can't act! Now he says he is SO sorry...that is such a PR me on this...I know a PR move when I see one. Enough about Bale...

So, I saw Defiance. It was an amazing true story of four Jewish brothers who banded together during the height of WWII to save about 1,200 fellow Jews from the Nazi. Daniel Craig does a great job as does Liev Schreiber. Of course, as with any movie involving Jews during WWII in or near Germany, bad things happen. If only Indiana Jones could have gotten all those Nazi but, oh no, he had to go off looking for those stupid stones in the second movie before he got back to kicking Nazi butt in The Last Crusade. I know, I shouldn't lay it all off on Indy but that movie with the stones just sucked!

Where was I, oh...that's right...rambling on aimlessly...

Anyway, Defiance is a good movie but don't let them fool you into believing that these guys are going to win against the Nazi force. They only win by staying alive and outlasting the Hitler following crazies.

I plan on going to see Confessions of a Shopaholic this weekend. It looks like good fun. After reading the book and seeing the previews, it does seem that they took some major liberties with the story line but it still looks cute. We are going to see it with a friend and she picked it for her birthday. I would rather see people killing each other for a good cause, but, it isn't MY birthday yet. Guess I will just have to pop in that Wanted DVD for my "guy movie" fix.

The Popcorn Report on Confessions of a Shopaholic will be coming soon. If I am too lazy to write one, you can always look it up on Don't get mad...I may have more important things to do like post on Facebook how "Beth is trying to make sure the fridge light really does go out when she shuts the door".

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow Day...The Sequel

Here we sit again in the house. Another snow day. Don't get me wrong, I love snow days. It is just the fact that the roads are completely clear and there is no real reason for a snow day that annoys me. OK...that and the fact that hubby and I had to tag team our work today so that neither of us really got much done on the work front.

That being said, yesterday was more of the snow day that I enjoy. Seeing the trees and ground covered with the white stuff while even more big, fat flakes fall. Now that is what I call a snow day! Walker, Texas Ranger and myself even built a darn good snowman out front. We felt we needed to set the standard in snowman making for our neighborhood...someone has to lead the way in this most traditional of snow day endeavors.

The sledding in the back yard was lacking. It mostly involved me running as fast as I could pulling the sled along behind me. Not nearly as fun as when I was a kid. My brother and I would climb a steep hill (not kidding on that one...I lived on 55 acres and we had some great hills) and hurtle ourselves toward the creek just to turn (mostly) at the last minute. Unlike my children, we did not own ski bibs and fancy snow boots. We usually dressed in a hodge podge of clothing that involved layers. Instead of those fancy snow boots, my mother took a page out of my grandmother's book and she would have us put empty bread bags over our shoes and then rubber band them around our ankles. Those plastic bags were quite the fashion statement...good thing our closest neighbor wasn't even within shouting distance let alone viewing distance! So, dressed in jeans with a pair of oversized sweatpants pulled over the jeans, three shirts, a scarf, gloves, hat, two pairs of socks, tennis shoes and bread bags, we would head off for snowy slopes and a day full of fun. Of course, it had to take a whole day because Mom wouldn't let us back in the house until we had really "enjoyed" the outdoors...and she was capable of not harming us due to our constant fighting.

What great memories of childhood. I will never forget the best sledding we ever had. The snow was the perfect texture and density. This time we didn't head for the hills but instead used the driveway (about a tenth of a mile long) as our sled run. We would take off and hit the first hill then bank hard left and level out for a minute before heading down the final hill. It was like our own private rollar coaster...except for the walk back up. Looking back, I realize that I was lazy even then.

Snapping out of my fond memories, I often wonder why we don't have as much snow today as we did when I was a kid. Perhaps that Al Gore is right with his fancy slideshow turned Oscar winning documentary. Who knows, his world wide web thing has seemed to work out well.

I am now going to be the perfect mother and bake some cookies. Are they going to be from scratch? How rude of you to ask! Of course they are not but that doesn't make me a bad mother. It also doesn't make me a bad mother that I didn't even buy the cookie "log" mother did. What it does is makes her the perfect grandmother...which she most definately is...just ask Walker or TR! (Don't ask them about me....they will just lie about me yelling at them during a "Mommy snapping moment".)