Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bones and Random Stuff

I really like the show Bones. I think I've mentioned it before. Anyway, I am rewatching the episode where Vincent Nigel Murray takes a bullet and Bones and Booth finally...well...seal the deal. Let me just say, this was a long time in coming and fans of the show mostly wanted to see these two end up together. Let me also say that the deal sealing had zero passion...none...zilch! What?! After years and years of will they or want they, they finally end up together and it is the most boring hook up ever?! FAIL! Did they wait too long? Maybe. Let's hope that another favorite of mine, Castle, doesn't fall prey to the same fate!

Speaking of love gone wrong. I am really digging the song, Rolling in the Deep. If you listen to the lyrics, it has some hard core pain. It is about what could have been and looking back at a relationship gone bad. Adele poors her soulful voice into the lyrics and it is awesome! This song also has one of the most random, odd videos I have seen in a while. It's cool but totally random! Check it out on YouTube.

Castle returns tomorrow. I will not get to see it. DirecTV is NOT my friend right now! Oh well, life goes on...

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