Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's A Good Look!


Well, today I got a little time off I wasn't expecting (Texas Ranger was sick) so I got to watch a movie!  After taking little man to the doctor and picking up some medicine, we arrived back home with a movie we bought while shopping at Target.  At last, the...well...last of the Avengers...Thor!  Yeah, I know his movie came out before Captain America but I didn't get to see it in the theaters so Thor was the last Avenger I got to see.  Well, technically speaking I hadn't seen Hawkeye either since he is in Thor but he didn't rate his own movie.  Neither did Black Widow but at least she was in Iron Man 2 longer than 3 minutes!  If I was Haweye and Black Widow, I would look into joining the super hero union so I could get equal time.  Just saying!

Anyway, I had no expectations for Thor.  I had no idea what his story was all about other than he has a hammer.  I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised!  These super hero movies just keep getting better!  I was wowed by Captain America and I was also wowed by Thor!  I like Captain America's story a little better because it all takes place on Earth but Thor was very cool. 

The man chosen to weld the hammer is Chris Hemsworth.  I'm just going to say it.  He is yummy!  I thought Chris Evans looked hot as Captain America!  Chris Hemsworth as Thor totally blew him away!  Is it the costume?  The accent?  Both!  The title for this post comes from a set of lines between Thor and the Earth woman he falls for.  After seeing Thor for the first time in his "costume", this is what is said...Jane: "So is this how you normally look?"  Thor: "More or less."  Jane: "It's a good look!"  You ain't kidding, Jane!  I once heard that heroes are suppose to be guys that women want and men want to be.  I don't know if guys want to be you, Chris Hemsworth, but the other is true!

Oh...let me stop right here and say that a previous post of mine was wrong.  If I am not mistaken, I listed Loki as an Avenger.  Nope!  He is Thor's evil brother!  Who knew?!  Yes, comic book fans everywhere but not me!  I am guessing that Loki shows up in The Avengers movie.  That is where the confusion came in.  So, sorry to all you comic book geeks!  I meant no offense.

What is Thor about?  Well, Thor is an immortal.  The god of Thunder.  He has a hammer that he uses to kick some serious butt.  He is a jerk at first.  He gets banished to Earth.  (We all know how hard THAT is to deal with!)  He finds love and is humbled.  Returns to his home planet to deal with his evil brother.  Oh...and his dad is Sir Anthony Hopkins!  There you have it! 

Seriously, it's a good story!  Not only is the action good but there is a love story which I always like!  SPOILER ALERT - I'm not kidding...I'm about to talk about the end of the movie!  Stop reading!  OK...I really like the fact that Thor leaves Earth telling Jane he will return for her.  He kisses her hand.  AWWW!  Then Jane lays one hot kiss on Thor!  You go, girl!  Once on his home planet, Thor has to make a tough decision that destroys the way he can come back to Earth.  The end lines are these..Thor: "So Earth is lost to us..."  Heimdall: "No. There is always hope."  Thor: "Can you see her?"  Heimdall: "Yes."  Thor: "How is she?"  Heimdall: "She searches for you."  You see, Jane is a scientist and had found the traces of the bridge that runs between worlds.  The same bridge Thor used to travel to Earth and then had to destroy.  Heimdall, the man who controls the cosmic bridge, can see her and knows that Jane is looking for a way to find Thor.  Again...AWWWW!  I hope these two get a shot in The Avengers movie when Thor, somehow, finds a way back to Earth.
If you like action and adventure, I would recommend Thor to you!  If you like a love story, I would recommend it too.  If you just want to see Chris Hemsworth without his shirt on, you can do that too! :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bones and Random Stuff

I really like the show Bones. I think I've mentioned it before. Anyway, I am rewatching the episode where Vincent Nigel Murray takes a bullet and Bones and Booth finally...well...seal the deal. Let me just say, this was a long time in coming and fans of the show mostly wanted to see these two end up together. Let me also say that the deal sealing had zero passion...none...zilch! What?! After years and years of will they or want they, they finally end up together and it is the most boring hook up ever?! FAIL! Did they wait too long? Maybe. Let's hope that another favorite of mine, Castle, doesn't fall prey to the same fate!

Speaking of love gone wrong. I am really digging the song, Rolling in the Deep. If you listen to the lyrics, it has some hard core pain. It is about what could have been and looking back at a relationship gone bad. Adele poors her soulful voice into the lyrics and it is awesome! This song also has one of the most random, odd videos I have seen in a while. It's cool but totally random! Check it out on YouTube.

Castle returns tomorrow. I will not get to see it. DirecTV is NOT my friend right now! Oh well, life goes on...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nope...I am NOT watching it...

I decided not get True Blood this summer on HBO. It had gotten really out there with witches and homosexual behavior that I was just sick of watching. What I was NOT sick of watching was the relationships between Sookie and her ex-fiancé, Bill, and her yet to be explored relationship with Eric. Sookie didn't want any part of Eric but he pretty much undressed her with his eyes each time he saw her! I don't think many guys can pull that eye thing off but vampire Sheriff Eric sure does a great job! He had also tricked Sookie into letting him drink some of her blood (he was sorta injured) and then he had a vampire link to her. He could put himself into her dreams and they were...well...interesting dreams.

Anyway, I was NOT going to watch True Blood. Nope...wasn't gonna happen...not doing it! And, I haven't! Well, sorta...

As many of you probably know, there is a little internet site called YouTube. Well, I stumbled...and by stumbled I mean went to YouTube and typed "Eric and Sookie"...on the Eric and Snooki scenes from this season! I had heard they had finally explored that relationship now that Bill, Sookie's ex, had betrayed her. After a year of living in fairy land (yes, another reason I said no to season 4!), Sookie returns to find Eric owns her house and has restored it after it was totally messed up by vampires, werewolves and a strange something that arrived in season 2 that had a weird name I have forgotten. Anyway, Eric owns the house so Sookie has to put up with him because she can't "uninvite" him and make him leave...vampires have to be invited in you know!

Anyway, Eric loses his memory for some reason. I have no idea why. But...this new Eric appeals to Sookie and, in true HBO style, they have some steamy scenes. Yes, I stumbled across them on that YouTube thing. Now, I have always, since the show began, wanted Sookie and Eric to be a couple. Why? I'll be honest. It is because Eric is smoking hot! He is also the vampire that could kill Edward Cullen just by thinking about it! Sorry Robert Pattinson, but Eric is a man where you are just a sparkly boy!

Anyway, in my accidental stumbling around on YouTube, I found most of the Eric and Sookie scenes from this season. Since it is HBO, I am sure not posting them here! Rated "R" is almost an understatement! I wonder how the actress who plays Sookie feels about filming these VERY steamy scenes while her real life husband (her ex Bill on the show) looks on! Awkward!

One scene...they actually wore all their clothes in this one...had Eric injured and needing to feed. Sookie offers herself and Eric bites her. After he finishes, he bites his own hand and offers her his blood. She has drank vamp blood before if she was injured because it heals. She tells him she isn't injured but he tells her it will make them "one". She grabs his hand and drinks. Sexy...and I can't even describe why!

Let's just say that my little YouTube visit brought me up to speed on what has been going on with Eric and Sookie. HBO can keep all that other crap! All I needed was to see Eric and Sookie finally get together. It did not disappoint! In fact, at one point I noticed I was gripping the computer desk with my hand! Are Eric and Sookie betcha! Now, if I can only figure out how to get Eric to make a guest appearance in my dreams! Hey, a girl can...well...dream!