Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Naps...

I love Sunday afternoon naps. I think it should be every one's tradition. Go to church, come home, eat lunch, get into comfy PJs (I love PJs by the way. I wish I could wear nothing but those everywhere I go but they are frowned upon in the workplace, mall, church, etc.) and take a nice nap before heading back to church!

Why then am I writing a blog post during prime nap time? Because I have to go to a bridal shower at church. They have these things at 2 p.m. on Sundays. That means no nap is possible.

So, why didn't I just drop off the gift this morning and not go so I could take my nap? Well, I feel like I have to go. I should show my support. It is the right thing to do.

My WHOLE life has come down to those sentences above. In the movie Parenthood, one of the main characters (a mom) says that her whole life is "have to". I know where she is coming from. Have to go to work. Have to be the best I can at work even when I am trying to learn new things as fast as I can. Have to keep the house running. Have to make sure everyone is where they are suppose to be on the right day. Have to be a good Christian. Have to exercise, eat right, try to look good for the 38 years that I am. Have to be a good mom. Have to help nightly with homework to make sure the kids are being successful. Have to volunteer at school. Have to eat school lunches or go to school events. Have to plan birthday parties. Have to shop for Christmas. Have to be a good friend. Have to show my respect and go to funerals. Have to show my support and go to bridal showers. Have to smile when I want to cry because that is what is expected of me. Have to...

We all are in this boat together. Especially women. We take the weight of the world on us and worry about everything. Even our vacations must be planned by us, packed for by us and executed like a battle plan by us.

I am tired. I would like to just take a break and sleep for a little bit. I am instead going to do one of the "have to" things...


Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Well, you forgot have to drink 2 glasses of red wine for heart health! Gotta go take my medicine now...

BB said... are a doctor so I guess I had best listen to your advice!

Hope you enjoyed your meds! :)

Junior said...

wow! that sums it up and explains why a lot of women feel guilty when they can finally sit down & have quiet time.